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09 December 2020

a Buddhist perspective on life & death

Spanish Dharma Celebration 2020 online

Last weekend, Spain hosted its first online Dharma Celebration! More than 400 people from all corners of Spain have participated in the event and enjoyed these precious teachings.

Gen Kelsang Chokga granted the blessing empowerment of four-armed Avalokiteshvara and commentary to Avalokiteshvara sadhana and Powa ceremony.

The meditations were guided by Xavi Llenas and the retreat was led by Gen Kelsang Rabjor.

Xavi Llenas
Xavi Llenas
Gen Kelsang Rabjor
Gen Kelsang Rabjor
Gen Kelsang Chokga
Gen Kelsang Chokga

"Throughout these days we have found new and good reasons to train in these minds that will lead us to Buddhahood. This is the purpose of the Kadampa festivals and the purpose of our life."

Teachings in Spanish will be available until 24th of December.



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