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30 November 2020

News from IKRC Grand Canyon

Yesterday, Protector Day, Gen-la Keslang Jampa, Deputy Director of NKT-IKBU granted ordination to Carolina from Mexico, who is now Kelsang Thaye!

This was preceded by a mini open house called 'What is the Kadampa World Peace Temple?' at which Gen-la introduced local people to the magnificent Temple.

And before that, Gen-la gave teachings at a five-day event called 'Seeing a World of Kindness', which were followed by a ten session retreat to take the teachings to heart.

Coming soon, the annual six-week Mountain Retreat led by Gen-la.

NKT-IKBU - Kadam Dharma in the Canada - Ontario - Copy of 003-Buddist_Temple_Crawford_Ave-241107

Canadian Dharma Celebrations 2024 ~ Part 3

NKT-IKBU - Kadam Dharma in the US - IKRC Arizona - Temple2_IKRC_Nov2024

Bonus Bulletin – 7 December


Moments of Wisdom and Compassion: Highlights from Barcelona, London, and Basel

Main image

Gen-la Khyenrab visiting Scotland