Spotlight on Reels for the New Year
Jan 8, 2025
It's just over two weeks to the 2020 Fall Festival, the third International Festival to be conducted online. We asked some people planning to take part what they thought about online festivals.
Laura, Germany
As a young Kadampa practitioner, I only experienced international festivals online, this spring, this summer and soon the Fall Festival. Thus I am very grateful that I can connect with worldwide’s sangha and receive these powerful empowerments, even though I cannot be there live. To me it is a very meaningful experience!
Tina, Brasil
I live in the UK but my family home is 6000 miles away. When I am at an online Kadampa Festival I feel both at home and with a different family – a worldwide Kadampa family. To share in such a warm and uplifting experience with so many people gives me a deep sense of the unity and togetherness of our tradition. While I am listening to teachings or meditating I can imagine my friends at home, the ones I know here and ones I have made at Festivals over the years - all doing the same things together. And when I read Interconnected or Insights on the Festival Diaries I discover new friends I have not yet met.
Because everybody is attending from home, when you see their faces it is like paying a visit in person, knowing you are welcome. So if you are reading this, welcome and please come in!
Mariko, Japan
Online festivals truly nourish my heart.
In this difficult time, sometimes we can feel alone externally and internally without a center, without a sangha and without a teacher. But thanks to online festivals, we can receive the teachings with friends all over the world, and continue to be among them.
I feel so much gratitude and good fortune for being able to continue receiving the precious Dharma without having to move from my house!
Thank you so so much Geshe-la for all you do!
Gen Tubchen, Scotland
It is extraordinary to experience the power of the online festivals, not only to keep us spiritually inspired but also to keep us spiritually connected to a world wide family of practitioners. It lines our minds up and unifies us as we contemplate and meditate on the topics of the festival over a concentrated period of time - even if we are not exactly in the same time zones! In addition to knowing on a subtle level that you are interconnected with a worldwide body of sangha, during previous festivals I enjoyed virtual cups of tea with friends around the world, to discuss teachings and to share with each other.
Although these connections are in some ways more subtle than attending a festival in person, they are no less powerful. Two quotes from Venerable Geshe-la come to mind that seem particularly relevant to the times we are living through and the function and power of joining the online festivals. " If we have a loving mind towards everyone we do not feel lonely." & "Although physically they may find themselves alone, inwardly those who put their trust in him will never be apart from a powerful ally and a wise and compassionate guide."
See you online for Medicine Buddha blessings!