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01 July 2020

what is inner strength?

Last weekend Heruka KMC in London hosted a special online weekend course given by Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab, retired General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU, called Building Inner Strength.

Attended by almost 300 people, it was an extraordinary weekend that touched everyone's heart in very deep ways. As we can see from the photos submitted by people taking part from their homes, it was both a joyful and meaningful event.

One of the participants wrote:

"Gen-la Khyenrab gave us clear and practical explanations of how to train our mind so that it will have greater strength, enabling us to withstand the difficulties that life throws at us. He took us through meditations on increasing our love for others, reducing our habitual self-concern, and compassion for others’ sufferings, as well as supporting practices such as patience and generosity. An immensely valuable guide for life!"

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Gen-la Khyenrab visiting Scotland