Banner Festival Summer

Day 6 ~modern bodhisattva community

Yesterday, Gen-la encouraged us to look in the mirror of Dharma with each instruction, thinking, do I practice this? Then give ourself an honest and straightforward answer. When a small child is read a story, they say, “Read it again!” We should have a similar attitude with listening to Dharma.

If these instructions were to pervade the world, there would be no basis for conflict. It is mainly through our example we can cause this instruction to flourish. We will become a real Bodhisattva for all to see. Our life becomes a precious human life when we conjoin it with these instructions.

Because we are ignoring the advice of enlightened beings, our problems never finish. Now, Kadam Dharma is entering mainstream society. How? Venerable Geshe-la respects society. “I respect people and love them, they respect me.”  This presentation of Kadam Dharma has arisen from a mind of respecting living beings.

Many Western countries have in their laws and constitutions that everyone is equal, but due to self-cherishing we naturally discriminate. To put this law into practice, it looks like we have to train in Kadam lojong. Then all weapons and bombs will become useless.

festival podcast

Cherishing Others Brings Happiness

Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
Cherishing Others Brings Happiness

Four Reasons Why

If we act like a Bodhisattva every day, we will become a Bodhisattva

Gen-la Dekyong gave a powerful explanation of identifying and overcoming the self-cherishing mind. Our self-cherishing abides at our heart. It is the mind that thinks, ‘I am important’ while neglecting others. In truth,  this mind is ignorance and an object of ridicule.

Venerable Geshe-la uses powerful phrases like 'demon', 'slave', 'harboring the enemy'. The purpose of these is to touch our heart. If we hold the Kadampa view, “There is no enemy other than the delusions”, this is the path to world peace.

Since throughout my beginningless lives until now, the root of all my suffering has been my self-cherishing mind,
I must expel it from my heart, cast it afar and cherish only other living beings.
Thus, I will complete my practice of exchanging self with others.
O my precious Guru, please bestow your blessings so that I may complete this profound practice.

Gen-la encouraged us to use this verse from  Request to the Lord of All Lineages and to contemplate it throughout the day and the night. We should encourage ourself: “I am a member of the modern Kadampa Bodhisattva community. Today I’m going to act like a Bodhisattva.” If we act like a Bodhisattva every day, we will become a Bodhisattva.

After this incredible teaching, we dedicated this part of the festival, thanking our root Guru and praying that we may always be with him and have the opportunity to remain in his service for as long as space exists.

Today we begin three days of retreat with Gen Losang!

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teaching excerpt

Transforming Adversity


the mother center

family album

kadampas in mexico city


international kadampa family online

Share your videos, photos, stories and insights from the teachings and meditations
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videos from the home front

lisa, uk

transforming adversity in patagonia

photo stories

ITTP, uk

WhatsApp Image 2020-07-28 at 14.59.18

Having completed the Intensive Teacher Training Program at the mother center with Gen-la Khyenrab, last night the lay students took or renewed Pratimoksha vows with him in the Temple. Now as they prepare to disperse around the world, everyone on the program holds precious vows in their heart - Ordained vows or Pratimoksha vows. How wonderful!

Kelsang Genden, brasil

Pasted-image-Tue Jul 28 2020 091412 GMT-0300 (Horário Padrão de Brasília)

From one point of view I am alone in front of the laptop, from another point of view I am connected to the hearts of pure practitioners who live the Kadampa way of life.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart

robyn & alicia, australia


My daughter Alicia and I watching living Buddha giving Buddha Amitayus empowerment during lockdown in her indoor "tent"...perfect!

Werner & Christa, Germany

WhatsApp Image 2020-07-28 at 09.48.11

The most precious gift for the world is the holy Dharma.

May peace and happiness grow in the hearts of all living beings. Thank you Geshe-la with all my heart.

claudia, argentina


Hello my name is Claudia, I am receiving profound blessings of the summer festival in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We are still in quarantine. and here is winter.

I appreciate all the infinite ways in which our Guru emanates, to show us the way, the departure of samsara. Thanks to everyone for their practice and dedication.




So simple, so clear! Gen-la Dekyong is strongly encouraging us with her teachings on Training the Mind to improve ourselves until we find greater happiness.

She has touched my heart with the clarity with which she has shown us the way to stop seeing enlightenment as difficult, understanding that we only need to decide with a strong intention, without any doubt, and from the heart, to love all living beings.

I want to love all beings, I want to be able, through the power of my love, to generate the pure motivation that will guide me to all the spiritual understandings!

With the guidance of our root Guru, the powerful blessings of these teachings and the incredible union of the international Sangha all of us can attain it. How wonderful that would be!

And how wonderful this Festival is! The Tradition making the best of a difficult world situation, transforming adverse circumstances.

In the Barcelona KMC, near the mountains of Montserrat, we are many practitioners enjoying together this international online festival. And although we wish to meet again very soon, we can feel the blessings and the joyful atmosphere of the festivals, as always!

Natalia, Spain

festival shops

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  • Browse a range of 'Festival Bundle' special offers and featured items designed to give you everything you need for the Festival teachings and empowerments.
  • Tharpa books, sadhanas and other items are available for purchase in multiple languages and formats, including downloadable editions.
    Statues and artwork can be purchased, including new items from the Kadampa Art Studio.
  • Ritual items are also available, including vajras and bells, malas, mandala sets, offering bowls and much more.
  • Get the Festival T-shirt, specially designed to mark the occasion of the first year of online Kadampa Festivals.

There are a number of Festival Shops and shipping points located in centres around the world run by Tharpa Publications, each with a different variety of products and shipping options.

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WEB- MAIN PICTURE (1920 x 1350 px)

Auspicious beginnings to the year

IKRC Grand Canyon USA

Kadampa International Retreat Centres – Places of Deep Insight


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January at Manjushri KMC