Entering the New Year with Buddha’s Blessings – Part 2
Jan 7, 2025
With the last two sessions of the retreat with Gen Losang today, the Spring Festival 2020 online comes to a close.
Now it is time for us to take these precious teachings in our heart out into our daily life to benefit others.
Developing Affectionate Love for Living Beings
Have you visited the Festival shop yet? It will remain open until June 3. Enter here
By relying sincerely upon his Spiritual Guide, this week Gen-la Khyenrab has led us on an extraordinary journey, revealing all the essential stages of the path to enlightenment in a way we can easily integrate into our daily life.
Thank you Gen-la for your great skill and kindness. And thank you Gen Rabten and Gen Losang for helping us take these precious teachings to heart.
But most of all thank you Venerable Geshe-la for bringing this holy Dharma into our troubled world and making all of this possible.
Through the merit we have created during this Festival, may the holy Spiritual Guide, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche remain with us for a very long time, and may all living beings swiftly come directly under his loving care.
Thank you for all your wonderful contributions to the Festival Diaries. Unfortunately we received so many we could not publish them all, but every contribution was received with gratitude and appreciation.
We look forward to hearing from you again at the Summer Festival 2020.
Obrigada Geshe-la por toda a sua bondade em nos oferecer mais uma oportunidade de receber ensinamentos preciosos. Dia da iniciação.
This festival is wonderful for me. I feel like it's an essential step of my spiritual path (like I felt in all previous ones).
Thank you so much for providing us with this opportunity even with the unusual situation that we are facing.
May we quickly be able to repay our Guru kindness.
Through meditation I've experienced a great sense of liberation and great peace, because once I let go of everything my mind creates what remains is a great and serene space.
This is the first time I can attend the Spring Festival. I am very very grateful. I never thought that I would have the opportunity to join Spring Festival online during this unusual time.
The teachings from Gen-la Khyenrab and Gen Rabten give me a lot of peace, happiness and blessings. Thank you so much to the HK sanghas who prepared the Chinese captions and Cantonese voiceover for those of us who do not understand English. I am very touched! Also thank you to every sangha who worked so hard to make this wonderful event happen.
We are enjoying the retreat and are so grateful for all the technical abilities of you all there! This festival has been so easy to do online. It has been great to have the teachings all in one place with the shop and festival diaries.
The website is very easy to use. We are in the US so we are taking the classes after the UK time but as soon as we refresh the page all the classes are there highlighted and easy to access.
You have all done the most amazingly smooth job of getting this festival to us. We appreciate everything you do! It has also been a blessing to do this at home as our pets hear it all and our family who usually has no interest are immersed in the teachings and receiving blessing. How wonderful! They are learning about outer and inner problems and this helps them. Here is our picture of Robin and I after the festival's last teaching yesterday. Saying thanks and we loved it!
Our daughter Ruby would not get in the picture but she misses all of her Kadampa kids! For her this is the only thing that’s missing, her connection with them and the fun play tent and magic show! But she is able to be at home and play with her regular familiar toys and that helps.
Once again thank you so much! Thank you Geshe-la for all your excellent deeds
Chandra, Robin and Ruby
Sacramento, Ca
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Energised by Genla Khyenrab’s flawless presentation of the Kadampa path of compassion, I settled down to the first retreat session with a mind filled with optimism and confidence. There, allowing
myself to feel cocooned in the safety of Guru Vajrapani’s protection, I could let go of my worldly worries and just follow Gen Losang’s guidance – quiet, precise and firm.
We were being led with complete ease to the clear conclusion on which to meditate - ourselves as one with the spiritual power of Vajrapani, our minds as his mind of great compassion.
Of course, we just try our best and as I tried I noticed some tension creeping into my mind. My concentration was too tight. Relax, I told myself. Relax, just let the method do its work. Trust the
method. Have faith.
Then you find yourself gliding back into that pure inner space. Just you, Vajrapani at your heart and silence. You find yourself bathing, immersing yourself in your meditation. Enjoying - dare I say indulging in - powerful, precious moments which you feel, right then, are changing you for the better and hopefully, as Gen Losang said, forever.
A taste of pure joy which will linger long after the retreat is over.
Thank you Geshe-la for this rare and wonderful opportunity.
Jeff, UK
Meu nome é Liria, sou de Santos, SP, Brasil. Como muitos, estou em isolamento social. Moro sozinha e desde que o governo decretou o isolamento, tenho trabalhado de modo remoto.
Sou voluntária e aluna do Centro Budista Kadampa Lamrim e temos feito as atividades também à distância.
No ano passado, tive a oportunidade de ir ao Festival do Arizona. Foi uma experiência muito inspiradora. Quando soube do Festival da Primavera, fiquei muito feliz. Eu adoraria conhecer o CMK Manjushri, espero que um dia possa ter essa boa fortuna, mas o lado bom do evento online é que tenho conseguido me concentrar mais em casa, porque aqui sou só eu e os queridos Mestres (e os Budas!).
Quero expressar minha gratidão ao Venerável Gueshe La, nosso sagrado Guia Espiritual, a todos os Professores e voluntários que proporcionaram este Festival tão maravilhoso. Tantos ensinamentos claros e lógicos, tantas bênçãos... Muito obrigada, muito obrigada!
Liria, Brasil
La participación en este Festival de Primavera 2020 nos ha permitido aumentar nuestra conexión con Gueshe-la como nuestro guía espiritual, a través de sus mensajes y consejos directos, que nos inspiran a abrazar aún más el Dharma, como la solución definitiva a nuestros problemas y preocupaciones.
La posibilidad de acceder a este Festival a distancia, en el contexto de la situación de salud que estamos experimentando de manera mundial, ha permitido que miles de personas de todo el mundo podamos reunirnos a concentrar nuestras mentes en las enseñanzas de Buda de la mano de grandes maestros de la tradición.
Para mí, esto es sin duda una prueba de la gran compasión y bondad de Gueshe-la, que nos invita a poner en práctica la sabiduría del Dharma especialmente en una situación de preocupación mundial, la que hace aún más evidente la necesidad de despojarnos de nuestra ignorancia, para avanzar con determinación y paciencia en nuestro camino espiritual por el beneficio de nosotros y los demás seres sintientes.
Michelle, Chile
Poder participar de este festival en estos tiempos poco comunes me enseña como el Dharma es la verdad y en este contexto poder recibir las bendiciones de Buda Vajrapani, poder escuchar el Dharma inequívoco de nuestro Guru, e inspirarnos del ejemplo de los maestros y amigos de la Sangha, hace de esta ocasión un precioso e inolvidable regalo.
Este festival está siendo muy especial. El hecho de que se transmita en línea lo hace único, permitiendo que personas de todas partes del mundo puedan participar. Saber que estamos unidos a una Sangha internacional, y que todos, no importa de donde seamos o cual sea nuestra historia de vida, estamos unidos por el deseo común de controlar nuestra mente y beneficiar a los demás al mejor de nuestra capacidad.
Muy agradecida al venerable Gueshela por darnos el precioso Dharma y a todos por organizar este Festival, y por mostrarnos como en circunstancias adversas el Dharma florece y se fortalece.
Gen Rinchung, Argentina