reaching out

At a time when many are confined to their homes most of the time, Kadampa centers around the world have emphasised reaching out to people and bringing the joy of Buddha's teachings and the peace of meditation directly into their homes through special online activity.

Just before the lock down, Guen Kelsang Lochani, the Resident Teacher of KMC Barcelona took part in a TV presentation about the importance of controlling the mind and reacting positively, especially through the practice of patience.

The show was screened this week and has received hundreds of appreciative comments and likes.

The day before, Guen Lochani took part in a YouTube panel with the same journalist, again to great acclaim.

teaching patience in catalonia

meditating with children in rome

Gen Kelsang Cho, Resident Teacher at KMC Rome, was recently invited to join the children at Castelli International School for their online assembly, where he introduced the middle school students to meditation.

After the meditation, the students said they felt calmer. "It's amazing how we could feel the energy of all our minds connecting" said Ms. Ciara.

"Even with just 10 minutes of meditation, we felt its calming benefits."

teaching Dad emptiness in Colombia

Sometimes you don't have to reach far to receive help! Watch this video to see 5-year old Nico encourage his father to memorise the section on emptiness in Modern Buddhism by explaining emptiness to him with with extraordinary insight and clarity.

Nico's father is studying on the Foundation Program at KMC Colombia.


New year. 2025

Entering the New Year with Buddha’s Blessings – Part 2

NKT - MANJUSHRI KMC - 2025 2025-01 New year (KM)-30

Entering the New Year with Buddha’s Blessings


Purifying with Buddha Vajrasattva ~ A Perfect Way to End the Year


Year-End Course At KMC New York: Concluding The Year With Loving Kindness