Auspicious beginnings to the year
Jan 18, 2025
Despite all the restrictions presently in place, the activities of Tharpa International, the publishing arm of NKT-IKBU, are thriving.
24-hour Tara Puja for the Welfare of the World ~ 8th day of every month. Streamed from the Kadampa Temple for World Peace at Manjushri KMC. Everyone is welcome to join
The Kadampa response to situations such as we find ourself in right now is to find a way to turn the adversity to our advantage.
The inner protection of spiritual experience inspiring advice for challenging times A special online teaching by Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong, General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU, to commemorate NKT Day 2020 April 4, 14:00 UK time In these challenging and uncertain times everyone needs a special method to help build inner strength – the inner protection of … Read more
Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab is a retired Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU and National Spiritual Director of Canada who is presently at Manjushri KMC training meditation Teachers.
Meditation is Essential for Human Happiness Last night Gen-la Dekyong, Spiritual Director of NKT, inaugurated the program of online classes at Manjushri KMC with a powerful teaching on the benefits of meditation. Please enjoy this brief exerpt
In a time of so much uncertainty the blessings of Avalokiteshvara the Buddha of Compassion are much needed.
Gen-la Dekyong, Spiritual Director of NKT, gives a timeless teaching on how we can deal with adverse circumstances when they arise – and transform them into the path to enlightenment.
These are challenging times for many people, but they are also an opportunity to transform adverse conditions into the spiritual path. How have the Kadampa centres around the world dealt with the need to close the physical centers?
“On the eve of our first Dharma Celebration, last weekend we had simultaneous classes in the three main cities of our country: Cali, Medellin and Bogotá.”