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23 October 2019

Beautiful reflections appearing around the world

At the recent Fall Festival, through the kindness of Gen-la Dekyong and Gen-la Khyenrab, we caught a glimpse of the vast and profound Mirror of Dharma that is the holy mind of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.

And now we are witnessing beautiful reflections from this mirror appearing all round the world.

This last weekend, for example, in the magnificent Kadampa Temple for World Peace in Cabreúva, Brasil, over a hundred fortunate participants received the empowerment of Wisdom Buddha Manjushri from Gen Togden, the Resident Teacher. After the empowerment, Gen Togden introduced the profound instructions on non-dual appearance and emptiness taught at the Fall Festival.

Meanwhile, over 9,500km away on the other side of the world, another group of Kadampas was enjoying a profound retreat on the oral instructions given at the Fall Festival in the idyllic setting of Kailash International Retreat Centre. Gen Devi, the Resident Teacher, guided powerful meditations following the special instructions from Venerable Geshe-la taught at the Festival.

As we will see in coming weeks, these magical reflections are appearing in hundreds of locations around the world as more and more people discover the power of Kadam Dharma to transform their lives and lead them on a blissful journey to find the real meaning of human life.

Temple anniversary
This coming weekend is nine years since Venerable Geshe-la blessed and opened the Temple in Brasil. For more information on the anniversary celebrations see https://www.facebook.com/CMKBrasil/photos/a.181376951937571/3023474057727832/?type=3&theater

KMC Girona-13

New Kadampa Centres for Spain in Girona and Murcia

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Discover the Tharpa Summer Festival Shop

NKT - KMC BARCELONA - 2024 (23)

Inspiring retreats before the Summer Festival

NKT-KMC Rio268fcc1f-d11c-432e-a6cb-16c03be7fef9

Renovations have started in Rio de Janiero