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03 September 2019

Another precious jewel in the mandala

Thursday, August 29 was a very blessed  day at KMC Albacete, when a fortunate group of people from many Spanish Kadampa centers gathered for the opening of the new city Temple.

Guen Kelsang Chokga, the National Spiritual Director of Spain and Portugal, blessed the center in a beautiful ceremony. How wonderful it was to join in the first Wishfulfiling Jewel Puja in the new space.

The next day, 80 people from Albacete attended a Public Talk at the new center.

Todos bienvenidos!

NKT-IKBU - Kadam Dharma in the US - IKRC Arizona - Temple2_IKRC_Nov2024

Bonus Bulletin – 7 December


Moments of Wisdom and Compassion: Highlights from Barcelona, London, and Basel

Main image

Gen-la Khyenrab visiting Scotland


Avalokiteshvara Empowerment at Manjushri KMC with Gen-la Dekyong