Picturesque away retreats in January
Jan 27, 2025
A chance to catch up on some of the other news stories from recent days
IKRC Grand Canyon just started their 2nd annual Empowerment Weekend with Gen-la Jampa.
People came from: Dharmachakra Center (Palm Springs), KMC Hollywood, KMC New Mexico, KMC San Francisco, KMC Washington, KMC New York City, Manjushri KMC (England), Mahakankala Buddhist Center (Hermosa Beach), KMC Florida, Heruka Center (Colorado), Mahakankala Buddhist Center, KMC Arizona, KMC Phoenix, IKRC Grand Canyon branches - Sedona, Flagstaff & Prescott.
Stand by for a full feature tomorrow.
Gen Losang just gave his first teaching at the KMC Tokyo center, and it was a great success.
'Here it was really great energy and people were happy.
'It's so good to see the centre functioning as a Kadampa centre!
'Kadam Dharma has arrived in Japan!'
Gen Kelsang Chokga, the NSD of Spain and Portugal, has just visited KMC Mahamudra in Seville, where she taught a Masterclass and a delightful course on "The art of positive thinking", that touched everyone hearts. Gen Chokga also led some powerful and very moving meditations on equalizing self with others.
The course was followed by a short but powerful retreat led by the Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Rabjor. Its been a truly meaningful and life-changing weekend for many!
Today Gen Chokga visits KBC Avalokiteshvara in Huelva.
'What a beautiful day at KMC Texas today! We started the day by taking 8 special precepts of moral discipline, followed by the purification practice of the 35 Confession Buddhas. Later in the morning a large gathering came for the Refuge Vow ceremony.
'To conclude a small group in a private ceremony took the vows of individual liberation, known as Pratimoksha. Such positive karma was created today which we dedicate for the enlightenment of all! Thank you to all who participated and volunteered to offer these amazing practices.'
A whirlwind of meditation and modern Buddhism made its way through Ann Arbor, Detroit and Royal Oak in the past few days.
Kadampa Chicagoans meet Kadampa Michiganders on Sunday and Monday, as Gen Zamling Resident Teacher at KMC Chicago gives 3 public talks in Michigan, creating wonderful opportunities for modern Buddhism to benefit even more people in the Midwest US.
A busy week at KMC Spain. Besides the Dharma Celebration for Children (see separate feature) they also made an educational visit to the nearby British International School of Marbella, and also inaugurated the center's new dining room!
This last week saw three amazing courses for children - at KMC France, KMC Spain, and Madhyamaka KMC.
Look out for a special feature coming soon.
Since our Feature on post Summer Festival retreats, one more has been added to the list - with Gen Rabten at KMC Brisbane, 23-25 August entitled Mindfulness, Meditation & Mahamudra.
New retreats for post Summer and post Fall are still being added. Keep an eye on the following pages for regular updates:
KMC Australia's Teaching Training Program restarted today with a new time and many new students.
This program is taught by our Resident Teacher Gen Dornying and will train Teachers to help flourish Kadampa Buddhism into the future - how wonderful!