‘What a pleasure to have enjoyed this Quebec DC with our National Spiritual Director, Gen-la Khyenrab. Throughout the weekend, entitled Overcoming Obstacles, our hearts were profoundly touched with wisdom blessings.

It was an occasion to enjoy a joyful atmosphere, warm meaningful conversations and new friendships.

The introduction was given by the Resident Teacher of Tushita Buddhist Centre, Gen Lakpa who inspired us to cultivate faith, the root of all spiritual attainments.

In the morning meditations, Danielle Rousseau, Resident Teacher of Vajrayogini Buddhist Centre in Vaudreuil-Dorion, helped us focus on compassion and faith.

Then we were ready for the blessing of the empowerment.

Creating a close connection with Great Mother Prajnaparamita
In the beautiful empowerment ceremony, Gen-la Khyenrab skillfully guided us, through the power of correct imagination, to create a close connection with the Great Mother Prajnaparamita so that we could receive her powerful blessings. What an experience! We were full of gratitude to receive such profound teachings given in Gen-la’s inimitable humorous but direct way.

Through practical examples and compelling analogies, Gen-la helped us to deepen our understanding of wisdom. And with a breathtaking simplicity, he had us contemplating the wisdom of karma, past and future lives and mainly the wisdom realizing emptiness. He encouraged us to generate a powerful intention to apply effort in our spiritual practice and to believe that it is possible for us to realize these profound teachings.

Now it’s up to us to apply effort to develop our own wisdom, by contemplating the teachings on emptiness and engaging in the practices clearly explained by Gen-la.

The best news we have ever had
By relying sincerely on our Spiritual Guide Buddha Prajnaparamita, remembering her at our heart, we will be able to gradually overcome all the obstacles that are now preventing us from attaining what we really want for ourself and others - a pure, permanent happiness that comes from our understanding of how things really exist, the wisdom realizing emptiness. It’s possible, we have to believe it.

As Gen-la said: “How fantastic! This is the best news we have ever had!”

Immense kindness
These inspiring weekends cannot take place without the immense kindness of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, from whom we have received everything: our teachings, our centres, our Teachers, and our annual Celebrations. Thank you Venerable Geshe-la.

And thank you too to all the dedicated and hardworking Sangha who made this Celebration so special.

May Kadam Dharma continue to flourish everywhere in Quebec, Canada and throughout the world!’


What people are saying
“What a beautiful Celebration!!! So many inspiring conversations, full of joy, smiles and powerful wisdom blessings from an extraordinary teacher. What great good fortune! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

“When Gen-la invited us to go beyond the words by listening to the recitation of the Heart Sutra, I felt love and blessings pouring so powerfully, for all of us. What a sweet joy. I feel so grateful for his generosity, his complicity, the warm smiles with the participants and to have this precious link with the Kadampa lineage!”

“My first experience of an empowerment and I loved it. Thank you to all those who made this event possible and who have accompanied me throughout the weekend, which will stay forever in my heart.”

“What a great weekend: inspiring, joyful and gentle. Thank you to the organizers and those who have helped throughout. What a beautiful sharing.”

“We have an important personal role to play to make the world better. At this time, we rely on our senses to justify our actions but our senses are not reliable. Using the science of Dharma to understand how things really exist is a clear and simple method to free ourself from suffering. There is a solution and we have an incredible opportunity to receive it so clearly.”

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