After the Festival, time to reflect

After the 2019 Spring Festival there will be many opportunities to engage in a post-Festival retreat. These retreats provide ideal conditions to absorb the teachings and take them to heart.

KMC Australia


'I'm going to get a taste of the precious teachings and to create the cause to get to a Spring Festival in the future.'

Bodhisattva KMC

Lady smiling

'I'm going on the retreat at Bodhisattva centre because I want to spend some time focused on this specific practice. The retreat is guided by an experienced Teacher so we will know exactly what to do.'

KMC Florida


'I consider every retreat an amazing gift and I am looking forward to being among peaceful people and having the opportunity to enhance my purification practice. I am especially looking forward to the teachings from Gen Samten.'

KMC France

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'I have been to KMC France couple times before. It's an amazingly beautiful and tranquil centre with a warm and welcoming spiritual community. I am very much looking forward to learning about how to purify emotional habit patterns that keep you trapped in unhealthy karmic cycles.'

Kailash IRC


'It is my great good fortune that through the kindness of my Spiritual Guide and others I am able to attend the retreat at Kailash. I’m looking forward experiencing the magic of Kailash, the magic of the retreat and the magic of everyone there.'

Madhyamaka KMC

lochok smiling festival

'Madhyamaka KMC is.a special place that offers just the right conditions to deepen the blessings of the  Buddha Vajrasattva empowerment and teachings at Spring Festival in a short retreat. I am really looking forward to this precious opportunity.'

KMC mahakaruna


'I’m going to the Post-festival to engage in precious practices to clear my mind of obstacles and move quickly on the spiritual path!'

Nagarjuna KMC

6-Emma Cornish

'Looking forward to having some days out from busy everyday life to refocus on the Dharma, in the beautiful and peaceful setting of Nagarjuna KMC.'

KMC Spain

Monk- smiling outside

'The post festival retreat is a wonderful opportunity to take these precious teachings to our heart through meditation. I hope I can achieve this.'

Tara KMC


'I am going to Tara Centre for the post Spring Festival retreat as I really want to dedicate some time to deepening my connection with Vajrasattva following the empowerment.  I love Tara Centre and it has perfect conditions for retreat.'
Marie Claire

Tharpaland KMC

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‘I feel so fortunate to be able to attend the Vajrasattva Retreat at Tharpaland. Imagine all our bad habits, wrong views and future pain that we can purify with this! I wish for everybody to be able to do this.’

Vajravarahi KMC


‘By taking part in the post-festival retreat at Vajravarahi KMC, I am hoping to deepen my familiarity with the Vajrasattva purification practice to strengthen and nourish my Dharma practice.’

SPRING PRE-FESTIVAL DIARIES:  Don't miss Day 2 of the Pre-festival Diaries

NKT - KMC SPAIN - 2025 Public talk KMC Spain_02-02-2025_16

Public talks in the North and South of Spain


Inspiring events in Argentina and Brazil

NKT - KMC SPAIN - 2025 Lamrim retreat (3-9 January 2025)_KMC Spain_8

One month of Deep Meditation experience


Beautiful retreats in beautiful places