Auspicious beginnings to the year
Jan 18, 2025
A chance to catch up on some of the other news stories from recent days
Just a few days now to the start of the US National Festival at KMC New York with Gen-la Jampa, who will grant Medicine Buddha empowerment and give teachings on How to Solve Our Human Problems by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.
Gen Gomlam Resident Teacher at KMC Madison will give the Friday night introduction, Gen Menla Resident Teacher at KMC Texas will guide the meditations and Gen Samten Resident Teacher at KMC New York will guide the retreat. What a treat!
Find out more and register at the Festival website.
This weekend, people from Taiwan, Hong Kong and China gathered at KMC Taiwan in Taipei to receive the blessing empowerment of Buddha Vajrapani and teachings on Increasing our Spiritual Power from Gen Kelsang Tonglam. Gen Tonglam explained what spiritual power actually is and how we can increase it through practicing the teaching in our formal practice and in our daily life.
All the prayers were chanted in Mandarin including the first ever, The Yoga of Buddha Vajrapani. It was a very blessed event enjoyed by all.
A few nights before the Australian Dharma Celebration, 250 people gathered in Melbourne to hear our National Spiritual Director Gen Rabten give an inspiring public talk entitled 'Who Am I: Find the Meaning of Your Life'.
Gen Rabten explained how to move beyond the ordinary and discover the true and unlimited nature of our self. It was a wonderful evening!
Tharpa Verlag, the branch of Tharpa International for the German-speaking countries, just produced two new books:
A reprint of Freudvoller Weg (Joyful Path of Good Fortune )with the brand new cover design, and the first ever Große Schatzkammer der Verdienste (Great Treasury of Merit ) in German.
Here are some photos the printers sent showing these books on the press.
At KMC Deuachen we completed a concentration retreat this weekend under the guidance of Resident Teacher Gen Rigden, who gave teachings on the Kadampa Way of Life and integrating meditation into daily life.
Gen Rigden advised us to make the whole world a temple because the borders between spiritual life and normal life are mental and so not exist truly and can be dissolved.
Let this challenge begin and let everything be auspicious! We appreciate everyone's presence - thank you.
Our 'A Life Less Distracted' weekend retreat at KMC Florida with visiting teacher Gen Kelsang Khedrub, Resident Teacher KMC Washington in Seattle WA, has been clear and profound! Spending this time learning, and developing, our concentration by means of tranquil abiding meditation is an incredibly important way to tap into the stillness and inner peace of our mind.
Both new and experienced meditators engaged this weekend retreat. We hope it has a wonderful impact on everyone's mind.
A team at Tharpa UK in Manjushri KMC have been busily preparing the two sets of the collected works of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche ready to ship to KMC Washington DC, where the new city Temple is being prepared.
Recently a shipment of statues and Temple art produced at Kadampa Art Studio at Manjushri KMC was also shipped to the new Temple in DC.