Spotlight on Reels for the New Year
Jan 8, 2025
Kadampa Art Studio (KAS) is always a hotbed of virtuous activity, but recently it seems to have reached another level with so many people - staff and volunteers - working extremely hard to prepare everything to adorn the Arizona Temple inside and out.
The Temple at IKRC Grand Canyon is huge and literally hundreds of adornments have to be prepared, from the vajras, deer and Dharma wheels on the roof, the gold-leafed auspicious symbols on the outer walls, and the Confession Buddhas, goddesses, auspicious symbols and Five Family Buddhas on the inner walls.
Undaunted, the KAS team apply themselves with great enthusiasm to producing these objects to the highest standards - making originals, making molds, casting, finishing, painting and gold leafing hundreds of adornments, not to mention the three great statues and lotuses for the main shrine in Arizona.
They are greatly assisted by another amazing team working in the Art Studio at Nagarjuna KMC, who at the moment are focused on gilding and painting sets of the Five Family Buddhas for Arizona.
And as if that is not enough, the team at Manjushri are busy preparing and despatching the adornments for KMC Washington DC at the same time. (continued after the video)
The crowning vajra for the Arizona Temple roof is now finished and will be shipped by air on Monday in readiness for the lantern tower to be installed. This is the vajra that is especially designed to enclose the lightning conductor.
At KAS the decorative finials for the lantern tower are next off the production line and they, along with many other items, will be shipped in the next few days.
There will be 18 crates in the next shipment, which will contain:
Amazing work by two amazing teams fulfilling the vision of Venerable Geshe Kelsang GYatso Rinpoche.