Entering the New Year with Buddha’s Blessings – Part 2
Jan 7, 2025
Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab, the National Spiritual Director for Canada, just visited Vancouver.
300 people attended the sell-out Choose Happiness Public Talk and were captivated by Gen-la Khyenrab’s teachings as he shared a variety of beautiful meditations for overcoming anger, adversity and unhappiness.
Judging from the record number of people who signed up for KMC Vancouver's weekly meditation classes, those who attended clearly left inspired and determined to make meditation part of their life.
Then at the weekend over 100 people came together for the Western Canada Dharma Celebration 2019 at which Gen-la granted the blessing empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni and gave a commentary to Advice from Atisha’s Heart.
Gen-la shared how as practitioners of the Kadampa way of life we practice renunciation, compassion and bodhichitta. We always apply meditation to whatever circumstances we meet. When we meet good circumstances we remember that samsara’s pleasures are deceptive. We can enjoy but we don’t fool ourselves that this is the real meaning of life. Dharma wisdom prevents us from becoming deluded. And when conditions are bad we don’t allow these experiences to change our minds.
He also reminded us that faith is the root of all Dharma experiences and encouraged us to believe that we can indeed become a Buddha. We just have to want to! And with blessings we can make progress easily. We can become professional blessing gatherers by generating faith. :-)
Gen Sanden gave a beautiful introduction reminding us how meaningful our Kadampa celebrations and festivals are and how they can play an integral part in our spiritual development.
Gen Zopa led the meditations helping to prepare us for the empowerment and to take the teachings to heart.
It was wonderful to see so many volunteers smiling and working together, feeling joyful at this special opportunity to make our precious human life meaningful.
This entire event arose from the great kindness and special intention of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. Thank you Venerable Geshe-la.