Series 1

The real cause of inner peace

June 29, 2020
Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
The real cause of inner peace

There is only one way to develop a special experience of inner peace

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Overcoming the two obstructions

June 28, 2020
Gen-la Khyenrab
Gen-la Khyenrab
Overcoming the two obstructions

Understanding and eliminating ordinary appearance and ordinary conception

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A Powerful Ally

June 27, 2020
Gen Rabten
Gen Rabten
A Powerful Ally

How the Protector helps us

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Recognising our real enemies

June 26, 2020
Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
Recognising our real enemies

Overcoming the bad habits in our mind

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Changing our basis of imputation

June 25, 2020
Gen-la Khyenrab
Gen-la Khyenrab
Changing our basis of imputation

Understanding the real nature of our self

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A tender regard

June 24, 2020
Gen Rabten
Gen Rabten
A tender regard

Becoming a friend of the world

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There’s no person there

June 22, 2020
Gen-la Khyenrab
Gen-la Khyenrab
There's no person there

How our way of identifying ourself is mistaken

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Follow the advice of the enlightened beings

June 21, 2020
Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
Follow the advice of the enlightened beings

When the world is in turmoil

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Who am I?

June 20, 2020
Gen Rabten
Gen Rabten
Who am I?

Becoming a Spiritual Traveller

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A sense of shame

June 17, 2020
Gen Rabten
Gen Rabten
A sense of shame

Feel good about being good

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