The Power of Breathing Meditation

We can see in our own experience that we can transform our mental states from busy, distracted states to calm, peaceful states even with breathing meditation.When our mind is peaceful we are free from worries and stress, mental discomforts. Therefore we experience true happiness. In the space of a peaceful mind there is a feeling of contentment and a sense of wellbeing. All problems of unhappiness are solved in the space of our peaceful mind.

Everybody needs to have this experience because everyone wishes happiness in their life. Therefore it is very important to learn the method to make ourselves and others happy.

Gen-la Jampa
Gen-la Jampa
The Power of Breathing Meditation

Flexibility and Mental Strength

Kadam Bridget explains that practising patient acceptance reduces our pain and allows us to let go and feel happier.

The flexibility that comes from mental suppleness

Mental suppleness is a flexibility of mind induced by virtuous concentration.

Training in breathing meditation and beyond

Here Gen Norbu presents meditation as a step by step approach to developing a better state of mind.