Building developments at KMC France

Previously we reported on a building development at KMC France where ten new chalets are under construction. Here is an update on their progress and a chance to hear from two of the workers about their experience:

Our Hearts Remain United

The community at KMC Brasil share the magic of working with their volunteers.
“At the Temple for World Peace in Brasil, we are very fortunate to share our lives with many who come to join us for varying lengths of time as volunteers and so forth. While they are with us we practice together, benefit others together, and most important, enjoy our precious human life in extremely meaningful ways.”

Kadam Dharma Worldwide

The 2021 international brochure showing the latest developments in Modern Kadampa Buddhism worldwide, and the international teaching program of Festivals and Dharma Celebrations for the year is now available. Printed copies will be available from your local center soon. This year you can also download two PDF versions, one for mobile devices and one for desktops.

Heruka retreat in Málaga

KMC Spain recently completed a brief Heruka Body Mandala retreat based on the blessed sadhana by Venaerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche called The Yoga of Buddha Heruka. Gen Chokga, Resident Teacher and National Spiritual Director, led the retreat in conjunction with teachings by Gen-la Thubten.

The Mountain Retreat begins in Arizona

The fourth Annual Mountain Retreat at IKRC Grand Canyon in Arizona just completed its first week. Gen-la Kelsang Jampa, Deputy Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU and Resident Teacher at the center, is leading the retreat on the profound practice of Venerable Vajrayogini.

Time to meditate in the Catskills

KMC New York, in the Catskill Mountains is a perfect place for retreat. It is close enough to New York City to be easily accessible yet far enough away to allow visitors to and enjoy sense of tranquillity and seclusion, away from the busy city energy.

8 ~ Temple roof installed, walls started

In this update we see more extraordinary progress on the new Temple in Málaga, with the roof installed, the first stage of the Temple walls underway and great progress on the drainage system.

Gathered at a distance in New Zealand

Last weekend the people of New Zealand enjoyed their National Festival online with Gen-la Kelsang Jampa, Deputy Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU. Here is their report.

NKT-KMC Brazil Festival 24AG_DSCF1236_Fall Festival 2024

Fall Festival 2024 ~ Day 1


Ordination Fall Festival 2024

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Working in harmony for the International Fall Festival

Geshe-la Praying in Portugal 2013 resize-web

Register for Prayers for World Peace