Summer Festival 2020 – Day 3

Our main obstacles to enlightenment are ignorance and death. These can be overcome by practicing the instructions of Buddha Amitayus, which are now reaching every country and every nationality — something that has never happened before!

Summer Festival 2020 – Day 2

“There are so many firsts in this Festival, and there is so much we will receive. This is the most accessible Festival we have ever had.” With these words Gen Rabten introduced the Summer Festival 2020, whetting our appetite with a menu of delights that lie ahead over the next two weeks. Today is a special day.

Summer Festival 2020 – Day 1

Through the great kindness of our Founder, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, over 5,000 people from every corner of the globe will tune in Friday to take part in the  2020 International Summer Festival Online. As with all Kadampa events, everyone is welcome regardless of age, nationality or culture.

What will you be watching?

54 sessions of extraordinary teachings and meditations – and 45 videos on the Video Wall!

Where is the Summer Festival?

It is a measure of the breadth of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche’s vision and the sophistication of the International Kadampa Buddhist Union he has created that we can listen to teachings given in one location, join in meditations guided at another and finish with a retreat led at yet another.

A special invitation from Colombia

Watch this amazing video invitation from the Colombian Sangha to take part in Summer Festival 2020 Online and be inspired.

Enjoy the Summer Festival online for a whole month!

Because there are so many wonderful sessions at the Festival (54 in all) and because as lockdown comes to an end many people now have less time, we have extended the time the sessions will remain available online until midnight UK time August.25.

Do you have everything you need for the Summer Festival?

The online Festival Shops are immensely popular. There you will find everything to support your study, meditation and practice – and much more besides. There are a number of Festival Shops and shipping points located in centers around the world run by Tharpa, each with a different products and shipping options.

Four ways to share with the international family

An essential part of the International Festival experience is the opportunity to meet up with thousands of like-minded people from around the world and share stories, experiences and insights. This is an important way these Festivals keep the International Kadampa Buddhist Union alive and flourishing for this and future generations. Thanks to modern technology, we also enjoy these benefits at the online Festivals.

Watch and learn on the Video Wall

Besides the extraordinary teachings and meditations offered at the Summer Festival, there are many other engaging features available each day on the Festival Webpage. In this post we discover what is available daily on the Video Wall.


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