Summer Festival 2024 ~ Day 8

For those attending both weeks of the festival it is the free day. A day to pause, to rest, to do laundry, to visit the charming local town of Ulverston for afternoon tea or to take a hike up the Hoad or a mountain peak.

Summer Festival 2024 ~ Day 7

It is extraordinary that in these modern times we are still able to practice the original meaning of the perfection of wisdom exactly as Buddha explained. For us as Kadampas this is due solely to the kindness of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.

Summer Festival 2024 ~ Day 6

After a feast of teachings in week one of the Summer Festival, we now have two days of retreat with Gen Rabten to deepen our wisdom in meditation. Following Gen-la Dekyong’s advice, the retreat focuses on going deeply by using the same sequence of meditations in each session.

Summer Festival 2024 ~ Day 5

Another extraordinary day of teachings with Gen-la Dekyong focusing on a deeper explanation of four lines at the heart of the Heart Sutra.
Gen-la uses beautiful examples and analogies that came from our Guru’s heart and that have the power to help us understand these profound topics.

Summer Festival 2024 ~ Day 4

In this morning’s teaching we received a transmission of the Heart Sutra, being transported back not only ten years to Portugal in the presence of our Spiritual Guide, but in fact going back further to the time of Buddha when the original Sutra was delivered.

Summer Festival 2024 ~ Day 3

Day 3 of the Festival dawns and by now everyone is beginning to settle into Festival life. Enjoying a change of pace, letting go of ordinary life, falling in to a delightful rhythm of meditation, attending teachings, volunteering, meal times and evening puja.

Summer Festival 2024 ~ Day 2

The Empowerment day is always a very special day at the Festival. There is gentle morning of meditation to deeply prepare our minds guided by Gen Kelsang Ananda. The finishing touches are put in place for the empowerment shrine and even more abundant offerings appear. Everyone files in to the temple, our General Spiritual Director, Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong enters and there is a special quiet and unity as the empowerment begins.

Ordination Day – Summer Festival 2024

Today the international ordained Kadampa community had the precious opportunity to gather together for the Summer Festival ordination ceremony with Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab.

Intensive Teacher Training Program 2024 drawing to an end

Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche created the Teacher Training Program to ensure that Kadampa Teachers around the world will continually improve their correct understanding of Kadam Dharma, pure moral discipline, and teaching skills to become a pure example for others to learn from and follow.

New Statues Appear

The collection of qualified Kadampa statues is growing each year. During this International Kadampa Summer Festival, many practitioners will be able to bring home new statues of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche in metal, Prajnaparamita, and Amitayus. How wonderful!

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Awakening to Emptiness with Gen Rabten in Germany

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Wintertime in the Southern Hemisphere – Recent Events

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Bringing the Festival to the Heart (Part 3)


What’s On in the US