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Jan 16, 2025
Last weekend on November, 190 Kadampas from all over Germany participated in the German Festival with Gen-la Kunsang in a beautiful, wintry Tharpaland KMC.
Recently the Sangha from the Nordic region of Europe gathered at Kadampa Meditation Center Copenhagen for the Nordic Dharma Celebration, and Kadampa Meditation Center France hosted the French Dharma Celebration 2024.
The third Dharma Celebration of Canada with Gen-la Jampa took place last weekend in Toronto. Dharma centers from across Ontario gathered at the national center, KMC Canada, to celebrate Buddha’s wisdom teachings.
Read about some other recent activities organized by Kadampa centers around the world.
In this post IKRC Grand Canyon (US), KMC Colombia in Bogota, KMC Sheffield (UK), and Vajrapani KBC (South Africa).
The weekend course Dreams and Their Meaning with Gen Kelsang Lochani in Barcelona inspired participants to explore the dream mind and cultivate the wish to purify our minds. At The World Peace Temple in London, Gen Zoma led a powerful Green Tara empowerment, filling the space with blessings and wisdom. Meanwhile, KMC Basel hosted a beautiful Green Tara empowerment, bringing the community together in a joyful day of spiritual connection and inspiration.
Gen-la Khyenrab’s auspicious visit to Scotland included visits for the first time to KMC Aberdeen and a special weekend at KMC Edinburgh. Everyone felt very inspired to go deeper on the spiritual path.
Manjushri Centre is magical in every season and in the short days of winter the Temple seemed especially warm and welcoming as people from the UK and beyond gathered together for a special weekend with Gen-la Dekyong.
Through kindness and dedication, our communities flourish! From KMC Texas’s Spanish Program and retreats, to KBC Concepción’s inspiring Dharma activities, Nantes’s family meditation workshops, and Gen Demo’s talk on The Healing Power of Meditation in Indianapolis, we spread inner peace and harmony to all.
Retreats held across three continents brought people together in shared purpose, demonstrating the universal power of spiritual practice to inspire and connect
Three Dharma Celebrations recently took place across the vast space of Canada. Gen-la Jampa continued his journey in Canada by coming for the first time to Montreal to give a beautiful public talk ‘Is Peace Possible?’ on Wednesday November 20, followed by the Quebec Dharma Celebration 2024.