Nordic National Festival with Gen-la Dekyong

Practitioners from throughout the Nordic Region, as well as from the Netherlands and the UK, came together at KMC Oslo for the Nordic National Festival 2024. Gen-la Dekyong granted the blessing empowerment of Arya Tara and gave commentary to the practice of Tara Powa.

Becoming a Friend of the World: Bodhisattvas Appearing in Mexico

At KMC Mexico Gen Sangden granted the Bodhisattva Vows and teachings on the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life in a course entitled ‘Becoming a Friend of the World’. The event consisted of three teachings followed by the  Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony where more than 80 people took the vows in person and many more online.

Heal the Mind, Heal the World – Mid Atlantic US Dharma Celebration

The Mid-Atlantic US Dharma Celebration took place at KMC Maryland in Baltimore from March 8-10th, with over 100 people in attendance from the 6 Kadampa centers in the region. East coast US National Spiritual Director, Kadam Morten Clausen granted Medicine Buddha empowerment and gave some inspiring teachings. Gen Kelsang Demo, Midwest US National Spiritual Director, guided us in morning meditation sessions.

Madhyamaka KMC: New Home for First Metal Statue cast By Kadampa Art Studio

The stunning new metal Buddha Shakyamuni statue created at the Kadampa Art Studio first appeared at the International NKT-IKBU Summer Festival 2023.. Following the Festival Madhyamaka KMC received the news that the center would be the statue’s home. As a prototype statue for Kadampa Buddhist Centers worldwide, it seemed appropriate that this precious statue would be coming to Madhyamaka KMC, the first Kadampa Center opened by Venerable Geshe-la, back in 1986.

What happening at IKRC Grand Canyon?

After the completion of the 6 week mountain retreat, the community of IKRC is busy with many different activities to welcome back visitors from the local area to the Temple. Pancake Breakfast | Mala Making | Public Talk preparations

Empowerments this Month: the Rain of Blessings continues

This month blessing empowerments were given in Florida, Malaysia and Germany. In our world where so much of the news is of conflict and suffering, it’s uplifting to remember that these events are happening all around the world throughout the year taking thousands of people closer to permanent peace and freedom from all suffering.

15th Anniversary Celebrations at KMC Monterrey

To celebrate their 15th anniversary, KMC Monterrey organized a weekend of special events with visiting National Spiritual Director, Gen Kelsang Sangden – a public talk, a retreat, and a video presentation, party and puja.

The Wisdom of Meditation – Buddha Manjushri Empowerment

Hundreds of Kadampas from as far afield as Hong Kong and the US, gathered together at Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Center to receive the blessings of the Wisdom Buddha Manjushri and profound instructions on how to meditate from our General Spiritual Director, Gen-la Dekyong.


The experience of a residential retreat

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Kadampa Buddhism Worldwide 2025

WEB- MAIN PICTURE (1920 x 1350 px)

Auspicious beginnings to the year

IKRC Grand Canyon USA

Kadampa International Retreat Centres – Places of Deep Insight