Nordic National Festival with Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong

Journey to a Pure World: Swift Path to a Fearless Life

Practitioners from throughout the Nordic Region, as well as from the Netherlands and the UK, came together at KMC Oslo for the Nordic National Festival 2024. Gen-la Dekyong granted the blessing empowerment of Arya Tara and gave commentary to the practice of Tara Powa.


Practitioners from throughout the Nordic Region, as well as from the Netherlands and the UK, came together at KMC Oslo for the Nordic National Festival 2024. Gen-la Dekyong granted the blessing empowerment of Arya Tara and gave commentary to the practice of Tara Powa.

During the teachings Gen-la explained that many people, even in the affluent Nordic Region, feel that something is missing in their lives. What's missing is wisdom. We learnt that by meditating correctly, according to the special presentation in The Mirror of Dharma with Additions, and by unifying our life with the practice of Lamrim, we will lead a much more fulfilling and meaningful life - something we're all longing for.

For many attendees, this was their first Kadampa Festival and they were able to deepen their understanding and experience of profound topics such as Guru Yoga. Between sessions participants enjoyed discussing Dharma with old and new friends alike over freshly baked waffles and a Norwegian delicacy known as brown cheese.

Gen-la encouraged all of us to take responsibility in whatever way we can for the flourishing of pure Kadam Dharma and to always remember Venerable Geshe-la and his matchless, excellent deeds.

What people said about this event:

'It was incredible to listen to pure Buddhadharma taught by Gen-la Dekyong. Thank you all for making this weekend wonderful.'
Martijn, The Netherlands

'This weekend - a blessing empowerment from Gen-la Dekyong and profound teachings packed with Dharma wisdom - How fortunate we are for the opportunity to attend this online!'
Rob Groot, The Netherlands

'Each year the festivals feel more and more important: providing a spiritual boost to everyone, helping our communities remain united through our practice of Guru Yoga, and giving us the opportunity to delight in the immeasurable kindness of Venerable Geshe-la!'
Gen Jangdom, KMC Stockholm

'What a wonderful event with powerful blessings of Arya Tara and profound and practical teachings from Gen-la Dekyong. How fortunate we are to have such a great example of a sincere and pure Kadampa Teacher and NKT General Spiritual Director.'
Gen Dragpa, KMC Oslo, Norway

'The Nordic National festival was such a great experience and a truly Nordic unifying event. I was so inspired by the analogy Gen-la gave us, about our Nordic Sangha, who are now building the basis for Kadam Dharma to flourish here in the Nordic region in the same way as a few close disciples did together with Geshe-la in the UK about 40 years ago. There were just a handful of Kadampas in the whole UK at that time. I really love to think that in 40 years (or earlier) we will have many centers, teachers, students, retreat centers and maybe even a temple in the Nordic region.'
Virya, KMC Oslo, Norway


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