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11 August 2024


NKT-IKBU International

Summer Festival 2024

Festival Diaries

Thank you, goodbye, be back soon!

Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche face

The Temple is once again full for a final morning of heartfelt prayers, requests and dedications as we engage in an extremely auspicious practice of Offering to the Spiritual Guide. It is a beautiful and fitting conclusion to what has been an extraordinary Festival. We savor the opportunity to gather together in prayer and to say thank you to Venerable Geshe-la as our Guru Founder and to mix our mind with the pure intentions that will enable us to flourish his pure Dharma in our hearts and in the world.

Day 16 ~ Life will never be the same

Following this Festival we will never be the same again. Each person has been on an inner journey with these powerful teachings and meditations. People take away many different things: increased faith in the teachings, a closer personal connection to their Spiritual Guide, to Prajnaparamita and Vajrayogini, and a deep appreciation of the example of the international Kadampa Sangha. Determinations have been made and strengthened - to be a good example in the world, to really practice the teachings, to cherish others and to stop believing ordinary appearances are true. Bodhisattva intentions are appearing everywhere, wanting to help others, to be more dedicated and to take responsibility for Dharma flourishing in small and large ways.

Having participated in this Festival and seen its uncommon qualities and benefits in action many people feel inspired to attend the Fall Festival in Brazil. As Geshe-la reminded us so powerfully yesterday, life is short, but the spiritual causes we create will definitely bring good results. Hope to see you there!

See you in Brazil

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