Visiting Teachers in Teachers in Paris, Metz and Manchester
Feb 13, 2025
In the past few days we have shared photos from centers around the world as they conclude their post-Summer Festival retreats. Here we share more from that time. Enjoy!
A group of Kadampa practitioners from France, Italy, Portugal, Brazil, Germany, Canada, the United States, England and Switzerland joined a post-Summer Festival retreat at Kailash International Retreat Centre last week, engaging in the profound practice of The Great Mother guided by Gen-la Khyenrab.
Besides the inspiring and deep experience during the meditation sessions, we had a wonderful time helping out with various daily activities together.
In the serene environment of the Kadampa Temple in Sintra, over 50 fortunate practitioners enjoyed a precious post-Summer Festival retreat focused on the practice of The Great Mother and the meditation on emptiness.
With the blessings of Buddha Prajnaparamita, we could almost hear the echo of Venerable Geshe-la's words in Cascais during the International Festival in 2013 when he transmitted the Essence of Wisdom Sutra to thousands of Kadampas from all over the world.
During the retreat, Gen Kelsang Rigden encouraged us to reflect on basic questions such as why we need to practice Buddha's teachings.
In these times, when clinging to the body, to our self and to other phenomena creates so much anxiety and stress, this retreat was like an oasis where we could rest our minds and deeply relax.
Thank you so much dear Geshe-la for your infinite kindness. May we become just like you!
At Tara International Kadampa Retreat Centre a wonderful post-Summer Festival retreat was led by Gen Tonglam.
Thank you so much to all those who attended and made it such a beautiful event.
Students of KMC Cuernavaca full of joy and much gratitude, concluded a post-Festival retreat in Tepoztlán called Reach the Pure Land of Keajra in which Gen Nampur gave us commentary to the precious teachings she received at the International Summer Festival in England.
She guided meditations that helped us to familiarize our mind with reaching the Pure Land of Vajrayogini. What a joy!
Drolma Kadampa Buddhist Centre held a small but very meaningful retreat called ‘The Buddha Heart Sutra’ in which our Resident Teacher, Gen Kunwang shared with us some of our precious Spiritual Guide's teachings we received through our beloved Teacher, Gen-la Dekyong at the International Summer Festival 2024.
We had four sessions of the practice of The Great Mother and prior to this, we enjoyed a video session watching the videos prepared for this Festival by the Kadampa Internet video team.