Urban retreats at local centers around the world – Oases of peace
Jan 28, 2025
Recently, several Centers around the world concluded their post-Spring Festival retreats. Join us as we view the highlights from these gatherings.
A blessed and meaningful week of guided meditations on Heart Jewel practice and Kadam Lamrim with Gen-la Khyenrab. Thank you to all the wonderful Kadampas who joined us at Madhyamaka KMC for this retreat, and especially to Gen-la Khyrenrab for his inspiration, kindness and pure example.
A fortunate assembly of more than 50 disciples from all over Spain gathered at the post-Spring Festival retreat at KMC Madrid to deepen our understanding and devotion to the Dharma Protector under the precious guidance of our beloved National Spiritual Director, Gen Chokga. It was a wonderful retreat that deeply touched our hearts.
Following Gen-la Jampa’s clear and powerful teachings from the International Spring Festival, Kadam Morten guided a four day retreat on lamrim, lojong and mahamudra, followed by turning to the Wisdom Dharma Protector for help, guidance and protection of our practice. We immersed ourselves in the condensed practice of Dorje Shugden, Heart Jewel, and deepened our connection with this powerful being. People came from all over Europe to enjoy this retreat in the green and quiet environment of Tharpaland KMC.
Thanks to everyone who participated and helped!
A group of fortunate London and international Sangha gathered for this short and powerful retreat at KMC London. Gen Demo skillfully reviewed the teachings of the Spring Festival and led us in some beautiful meditations to deepen our faith and reliance on Dorje Shugden in thought and in deed.
In between the sessions retreaters enjoyed delicious food and relaxed in the peaceful environment of the Morden Temple and parks in the surrounding area.
A wonderful post-Spring Festival retreat guided by Gen Tonglam using Heart Jewel prayers. Gen Tonglam took us on in inner journey, making a deep connection with the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden. The Wisdom Protector is always guiding and protecting us in our life.
Thank you Gen Tonglam and thanks to all the attendees.