Spotlight on Reels for the New Year
Jan 8, 2025
Kailash IRC in Switzerland and IKRC Grand Canyon in the United States hosted Dharma Celebrations featuring Buddha Manjushri empowerments. Both celebrations created a positive and inspiring environment for the participants, allowing space for like-minded people to connect and celebrate!
Over the Easter weekend, 130 participants from all over Switzerland enjoyed a wonderful Swiss Dharma Celebration at the Kailash International Retreat Center. Gen Kelsang Devi, our Resident Teacher granted a Manjushri Empowerment and taught powerful and inspiring teachings on developing wisdom for a happy and meaningful life.
Gen Kelsang Lachpa led the morning meditations, and Gen Kelsang Chö led a short retreat to conclude the celebration. Even though the whole Easter Weekend was snowy and rainy, there was such a light and happy atmosphere among all the participants.
Nearly 100 people attended the 2024 Southwest Dharma Celebration at the International Kadampa Retreat Center Grand Canyon on April 5-7. Gen Kelsang Rigpa granted the Blessing Empowerment of Buddha Manjushri, and gave teachings and commentaries from the Treasury of Wisdom sadhana, How to Understand the Mind, and teachings from Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso’s 2002 visit to Los Angeles.
Gen Kelsang Menla, Resident Teacher at KMC Texas, gave the introduction on Friday night, while KMC Arizona Resident Teacher Gen Kelsang Lingpur guided the celebration’s morning meditations.
On Saturday, Gen Rigpa, Resident Teacher at KMC Los Angeles, shared Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso's teachings on the difference between ignorance and wisdom. In the afternoon session, he read Praise to Manjushri and skillfully blended teachings from the Treasury of Wisdom sadhana and Geshe Kelsang's teachings in How to Understand the Mind, particularly emphasizing mental factors of effort, intention, aspiration, faith, and non-harmfulness.
All the participating centers made great contributions. KMC Phoenix designed the empowerment shrine, KMC New Mexico was in charge of teacher welfare and organizing attendees before they entered the Temple on the day of the empowerment, and Heruka KMC in Fort Collins, Colorado, created a beautiful offering table for the celebration’s Wishfulfilling Jewel tsog puja.