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19 February 2024

Retreats in Spain and France Drawing to an end

The retreat program at Kadampa Centers is diverse, with each Center organizing retreats that are most suitable to their disciples' needs. Recently, Tantric retreats have been drawing to a close with Vajrayogini Burning offering at KMC Barcelona and KMC France, and KMC Madrid concluding their Guru yoga retreat.

Heruka and Vajrayogini in Montserrat Mountains

The conclusion of Heruka and Vajrayogini close retreats in January marks the end of the winter retreats here at KMC Barcelona. During this time, practitioners have filled the Montserrat Temple with blessings through deep faith in the Guru Deity and meditation practices.

Throughout the month, participants from Argentina, Mexico, Portugal, and Spain have cultivated compassion and wisdom, deepened their understanding of the true nature of reality and strengthened their connection with their Spiritual Guide.

After purifying any mistakes and downfalls with Vajrayogini fire puja the participants will now carry forward the fruit of their practice: a clearer mind, a more compassionate heart, and a closer connection with the Deity. With these achievements they will move forward with renewed energy on their spiritual path. Thank you, Venerable Geshe-la, for this precious gift, and congratulations to all practitioners for completing their retreat.

Fire Puja at KMC France

A memorable weekend at KMC France!  To enable anyone who has completed their close retreat to purify mistakes and downfalls, we held Vajrayogini fire puja. This was followed by Vajrayogini Self-Initiation practice, which was an incredible experience! Everything was joyful, and the experience of the fire purification was powerful! A very blessed day.

Infinite gratitude for this opportunity and for everyone who helped make the day special.


More than 70 fortunate modern Kadampa disciples have participated at KMC Madrid-La Sierra in person and online in the beautiful and blessed Guru Yoga and Mandala Offering Retreat. Our dear Resident Teacher Gen Tsongmo has kindly guided us, sharing teachings of Venerable Geshe-la based on the book 'Great Treasury of Merit', a commentary to the ‘Offering to the Spiritual Guide’ practice.

In this precious retreat, thanks to these two powerful practices, we have received the blessings of all the Buddhas through our Spiritual Guide and have accumulated a great amount of merit so that our spiritual development has strength and we quickly attain realizations of both Sutra and Tantra.

Infinite gratitude, Venerable Geshe-la; may we be able to repay your kindness!

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