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23 February 2024


Fortunate Kadampas from Slovenia, Austria, Croatia, and Italy gathered in Ljubljana, Slovenia one weekend in February 2024 to receive the blessing empowerment of Buddha Vajrasattva. The empowerment was given by Božena Činkole, one of the Resident Teachers of KMC Slovenia. 

In addition to the empowerment, Božena Činkole also gave clear and inspiring teachings on the purification practice of Buddha Vajrasattva and how to make it touch our hearts. Kadam Andrew Crompton led the meditations.

Although KMC Slovenia hosted the empowerment weekend, it was in fact a joint effort between KMC Slovenia and KMC Austria, as well as people from Croatia and Italy – an inspiring example of Kadampa students working together and supporting each other to fulfill Venerable Geshe-la's vision of an international Kadampa Buddhist Union.


Visiting Teachers sharing Buddha’s Wisdom

NKT - NAGARJUNA KMC - 2024 (4)

Wisdom and spiritual power

NKT - ITTP - 2024 (3)

Teachers gathered together at their spiritual home

NKT - KMC LONDON - 2024 (18)

Buddhist art and ritual courses