Recent Activities at KMC Metz

Discover the latest activities of KMC Metz, the center in the east of France, including Learning to Let Go, a Public Talk with Resident Teacher Gen Kelsang Konchog, and a Feast of Great Bliss puja organized by the community.

Public Talk

This January, to start our 2024 program of classes and courses, we organized a Public Talk in Metz called Learning to Let Go with Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Konchog. People who participated in this beautiful event enjoyed the talk and refreshments. The event gathered both long-term Sangha and several individuals who had come for the first time to the Open Day the weekend before the talk.
The atmosphere was joyful and vibrant, as everyone came together to discuss the teachings and their experience after the talk.

Feast of Great Bliss

On Wednesday, January 17, 2024, we had a wonderful time organizing the Feast of Great Bliss practice at KMC Metz, guided by Gen Konchog, our Resident Teacher. Those who attended enjoyed the time together, setting up a beautiful shrine, engaging in the prayers, and having a tsog party afterwards!

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