Bonus Bulletin - 14 Dec

Explore recent activities happening worldwide: from KMC Colombia's 7-year anniversary celebration to South Africa's vibrant community events.


Inside this bulletin: KMC Colombia  ·  Nagarjuna KMC, UK  ·  KMC LA  ·  KMC Washington DC  ·  Vajrapani KBC, South Africa

KMC Colombia

On December 7, KMC Colombia celebrated 7 years since its opening in Bogotá. More than 50 people gathered to celebrate the beautiful fortune of having a Dharma Center, a refuge in which all people can listen to a perfect presentation of Buddha’s teachings for modern life and through which they can experience inner peace and be of benefit to themselves and others.

Our Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Namdrol, gave a short live-streamed teaching in which we contemplated the value and importance of a Dharma Center. This was followed by prayers and requests to Avalokiteshvara, Buddha of Compassion. During this puja, 100 candles were lit as an offering.

Thank you, Venerable Geshe-la, for your infinite compassion in spreading holy Dharma throughout all corners of the world, especially in Colombia, and for providing the unmistaken path for us to experience true happiness and the methods to help others do the same.


This weekend 120 people came to the center to receive from our kind Teacher, the blessing empowerment of Vajrapani, the Buddha of Spiritual Power.

The room transformed into a pure land in which we received special blessings, and developed a profound relationship with this very powerful Buddha who is known for helping us destroy all outer and inner obstacles.

And during these times where there is so much sickness and so many obstacles,
our connection with Vajrapani can become stronger than ever.

For the very first time at KMCLA, Gen Rigpa also shared special teachings that came directly from Geshe-la on the very powerful healing practice
in conjunction with the Migtsema Prayer.

Nagarjuna KMC

Nagarjuna Kadampa Meditation Centre recently held a Vajrasattvaretreat with Resident Teacher, Kadam Bridget Heyes, focusing on meditation and recitation of Vajrasattva's mantra. The retreat enabled members to learn about and practice the Vajrasattva sadhana, which helps to purify negative karma and cultivate a peaceful mind.

KMC Washington DC

Attitude of Gratitude Free Public Talk at KMC-DC resonates on Thanksgiving Weekend

In America, celebrating Thanksgiving can feel forced to many as they are expected to profess a gratitude that they may not genuinely feel. At a free public talk the Sunday after Thanksgiving, KMC-DC Resident Teacher and Midwest National Spiritual Director, Gen Kelsang Demo offered advice on how to turn ordinary experiences into gratitude.

Using teachings from the books Universal Compassion and Meaningful to Behold, Gen Demo explained that gratitude is a mindset that we can cultivate. Using Buddha’s timeless teachings we can proactively view our situations through the lens of kindness.

We can seek to appreciate the many advantages we experience by considering how much we benefit from others. If we have benefitted from something, such as roads, sidewalks, cars and grocery stores, we can view people who worked hard to build and provide those things as offering a great kindness.

More than 40 people attended this talk in person and online. Afterwards, participants expressed thanks for the opportunity to reflect on such an important topic in a relaxed and joyful way over this holiday weekend.

Vajrapani KBC, South Africa

Here are some recent highlights from Vajrapani Kadampa Buddhist Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa. They hosted a range of events, including their End of Year Branch Dinner, a peaceful Guru Yoga & Mandala Offering retreat, and two 'Learn to Meditate' workshops in Bedfordview and Weltevreeden Park. Additionally, they celebrated with a social event, the VKBC Year Appreciation Evening, featuring a vegetarian braai. These events reflect the vibrant community activities at the centre.

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