Urban retreats at local centers around the world – Oases of peace
Jan 28, 2025
A 10 day silent retreat in the Swiss mountains with Gen Devi, and weekend course in Zurich with visiting teacher Gen Dragpa.
With endless mountain vistas, the first snowfall and the peaceful light of the full moon, 30 people engaged in a 10 day Silent Retreat from 27th of October until the 5th of November at Kailash International Retreat Center called 'Mindfulness, Meditation and Mahamudra.'
People came together for the retreat from Austria, Australia, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom - a truly international retreat!
Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Devi, guided the retreat with compassion and humour, leading everyone step by step on an inner journey. The retreat started with meditations on the nature, function and location of the mind and finished with profound meditations on emptiness.
The silence enabled participants to deeply contemplate and meditate on the teachings and to be deeply moved by them. Without doubt it was a beneficial and unforgettable experience for all.
On the 11 & 12 of November, Kadampa Meditation Center Switzerland welcomed visiting guest teacher, Gen Kelsang Dragpa, who is the Resident Teacher at KMC Oslo in Norway and the National Spiritual Director of the Nordic Region.
Gen Kelsang Dragpa explained the profound meaning of the diagram of the Wheel of Life, originally drawn by Buddha. He used it to guide powerful meditations on the twelve dependent related links that explains the cycle of impure life - samsara, our own experience within samsara and how to be released from it.
On Saturday afternoon, everyone enjoyed watching the video of the play of The Wheel of Life which shows the life of King Bimbisara and the story of the how the diagram came to be made.
Venerable Geshe-la said, "The final result of watching this play is that we will develop and maintain a strong determination to liberate ourself and others permanently from the sufferings of this life and countless future lives - this is its purpose. It is therefore a wonderful play of holy Dharma."
The weekend was characterized by inspiring teachings and a joyful