Two retreats in Australasia

Recently two centres within Australasia organised weekend retreats that were deeply enjoyed by those participating. Read on to find out more!

Weekend Lamrim Retreat - KMC Wellington


Over a long weekend, fortunate students from Kadampa Meditation Centre Wellington in New Zealand gathered from all over the region, with some coming from as far as Auckland. Over three days, they engaged in meditations on all the stages of the path to Enlightenment.  Resident Teacher Kelsang Lachpa led 12 beautiful meditations from recognising our precious human life, up to relying on our Spiritual Guide, based on the book The Mirror of Dharma with Additions.

It gave an opportunity for the centre to use the newly created outdoor seating area for community meals and chats during the retreat. Altogether it was a very meaningful and joyful retreat characterised by peace, gratitude and the kindness of the attendees. In their words:

“Thank you Venerable Geshe-la for giving us the entire path to enlightenment in such a simple and clear, yet profound, presentation. May we repay your kindness”.

The first away retreat for - Bodhisattva KBC, Canberra

Bodhisattva KBC Retreat 11

Bodhisattva Kadampa Buddhist Centre in Canberra, Australia, just enjoyed their first ever weekend away retreat in the rolling hills outside Canberra with their Resident Teacher, Kelsang Dana.

"In this serene environment, we turned our minds inwards to find a deeper purpose, focusing on meditation on the Four Noble Truths.  As the afternoons were hot we meditated outdoors in the shade of the garden.

It was a deeply meaningful and memorable weekend for everyone and all the participants made this a truly happy event.  As a result we are already planning our next countryside retreat."

Urban Centers main

Urban retreats at local centers around the world – Oases of peace


Picturesque away retreats in January


Heruka Day 2025

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Living in the Pure Land of Keajra