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25 May 2023

Ordination Day - Spring Festival 2023

For the ordained Sangha of the New Kadampa Tradition, the Spring Festival pilgrimage always begins a day early with the ordination ceremony.

The golden roof of the temple shone brightly through the trees, welcoming everyone back to their spiritual home. Under clear blue skies, with the temple gardens in full bloom, there was an extremely peaceful and joyful atmosphere. Hundreds of monks and nuns filed into the temple, greeting each other along the way.


At the heart of the ceremony, 17 new ordainees received their ordination vows, dedicating themselves to concentrating on the spiritual path. The senior Sangha acted as witnesses, renewing their own vows.

Gen-la Dekyong gave extremely inspiring teachings on how to transform the ordained way of life into the liberating path by receiving the blessings of our precious Root Guru. At the end of the ceremony, seventeen new monks and nuns emerged, with new names and new lives ahead of them.

In the words of one new ordainee, they felt just so happy; surrounded and supported by the love of the senior Sangha.

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