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18 March 2023


With its wonderful climate and beautiful scenery Australia offers many peaceful outdoor locations for practicing meditation. And from time to time the Australian Kadampa centers take full advantage of it.

Here we feature two recent events in the great outdoors:

Away retreat near Newcastle

Recently KBC Newcastle  organised an away retreat called Letting Go and Moving On at Glenrock State Park.

Meditate by the river in Perth

Meanwhile KMC Perth  took advantage of the beautiful Swan River at East Freo to organise a series of introductory meditation classes called 'Meditation by the River" with their Resident Teacher Kelsang Tara.

Face of Vajrayogini

Fall Festival early booking discount ends soon

NKT-IKBU - Kadampa - Asia -Hong Kong - IMG_3323

Creating an Extraordinary Life in Hong Kong

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Whats on at IKRC Grand Canyon

NKT-IKBU - Kadampa - Brazil - KBC Vajrayogini - PEDR2158.jpeg

Outreach Events