By any standards January was an exceptional month for NKT In the mother center Manjushri KMC. The Temple was full throughout with people joining Gen-la Dekyong for a blissful counting retreat on the mantra of Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka and subsequent Vajradaka fire puja. The story was repeated at Kadampa centers throughout the world.

This was a very auspicious development for the growth of Kadam Dharma in this world and for the development of the International Kadampa Buddhist Union.

Here is a small selection:

Kadampa Meditation Center Spain

Find more information meditaenmalaga.org/en/templo/

Kadampa Meditation Center Cuernavaca

Find more information kadampacuernavaca.org

Kadampa Meditation Center Hong Kong

Find more information meditation.hk

Kadampa Meditation Center Australia

Find more information meditateinmelbourne.org

Kadampa Buddhist Center Compassion, Mexico

Find more information meditarenmerida.org

Kadampa Meditation Centre Toulouse

Find more information meditation-toulouse.org/

Kadampa Meditation Centre Granada, Spain

Find more information meditaengranada.org


Spotlight on Reels for the New Year

New year. 2025

Entering the New Year with Buddha’s Blessings – Part 2

NKT - MANJUSHRI KMC - 2025 2025-01 New year (KM)-30

Entering the New Year with Buddha’s Blessings


Purifying with Buddha Vajrasattva ~ A Perfect Way to End the Year