Auspicious beginnings to the year
Jan 18, 2025
The Chile Dharma Celebration in Santiago this weekend was full of joy as practitioners from all over the country gathered to enjoy their National Spiritual Director, Gen Sangden, granting the empowerment giving and teachings on the Yoga of Buddha Maitreya.
After each International Festival, Kadampa centers around the world organise post-Festival retreats providing an opportunity to spend some time improving our understanding of the teachings and taking their meaning to heart.
Just 30 minutes drive from the Spring Festival site is the ancient city of Málaga, the birthplace of Pablo Picasso and gateway to the Costa del Sol. In this city steeped in history you will find ancient buildings, galleries, great shopping, every type of cafe and restaurant – and of course its own beach.
April 15 is Buddha’s Enlightenment Day, when we celebrate Buddha demonstrating how to attain enlightenment. Even though he had already attained enlightenment many lives previously, out of great compassion he emanated in our world to demonstrate how we too can follow this path.
The Austrian Dharma Celebration 2022 with Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang was hosted by KMC Austria.
This weekend, for the first time in three years, people in western Canada gathered in person for a Public Talk followed by the Western Canada Dharma Celebration presented directly by Canada’s National Spiritual Director, Gen-la Khynerab!
In October we reported on the nascent Israeli Sangha forming in Tel Aviv under the leadership of Daniel Koren. The group has thrived during the lockdown period and recently gathered for their first in-person retreat. Here is their update.
Booking for online attendance at the 2022 International Spring Festival is now open. You can book now on the booking page on the Festival website.
Recently, Gen Kelsang Sangden, National Spiritual Director of Mexico, Nicaragua, Colombia, Peru and Chile, presided over the Colombia Dharma Celebration 2022, hosted by KMC Colombia. She granted the empowerment of Wisdom Protector Dorje Shugden and gave teachings on the practice of Heart Jewel.
Last week, Gen-la Kunsang was invited to KMC Barcelona where she led a deeply moving retreat at the Montserrat retreat center. Old and and new Kadampas alike enjoyed her guided serenity as they cultivated concentrated, happy minds.