One month of Deep Meditation experience
Feb 8, 2025
With the conclusion of a very successful January retreat month at Kadampa centers around the world, we now look ahead at opportunities to do more retreat during the course of the year.
Within Modern Kadampa Buddhism, retreat is a crucial part of our spiritual life. It is a time when we can take what we have heard or read to heart and mix it with our mind. In this way we become naturally more and more familiar with Dharma until it becomes an automatic part of our daily life. There is no better way to make our precious human life meaningful.
Planning a retreat
As Gen-la Khyenrab says in this inspiring video, we can withdraw into retreat at any time we wish, even if just for half a day, a day or a weekend. Or we can plan something longer, maybe for weeks or months.
And we can arrange a solitary retreat or take part in a group retreat. There are many Kadampa centers that offer facilities for such retreats throughout the year.
Ask at your local center or find a center online: