Auspicious beginnings to the year
Jan 18, 2025
This weekend at Madhyamaka KMC, Gen-la Kunsang, Retired Teacher and Retired Deputy Spiritual Director, granted the blessing empowerment of Medicine Buddha and gave teachings on the practice.
Last weekend, Gen Kelsang Namdrol, Resident Teacher at KMC Colombia, bestowed the empowerment of Buddha Manjushri, the manifestation of the wisdom of all Buddhas. The participants received teachings on cultivating and increasing their wisdom to achieve inner peace and true happiness.
Awakening Wisdom Scottish Dharma Celebration 2021 Last weekend at the Scottish Dharma Celebration 2021 at KMC Glasgow, Kadam Bridget Heyes, UK National Spiritual Director, granted the empowerment of Wisdom Buddha Manjushri and gave teachings on how to use wisdom to make ourself and others happy. The meditation on Sunday morning was guided by Gen Kelsang … Read more
After the French National Festival at KMC France in Le Mans, Gen-la Thubten visited three other centers in France. Savor the joy, warmth and laughter at these events with these wonderful photos.
This year, the 20th Asian Festival was attended by 220 fortunate people from Hong Kong, Malaysia, Phillipines, Sinapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.
Enjoy this inspiring video from KMC Sydney introduced by Gen Kelsang Lhachog, the Resident Teacher. How wonderful to see the impact Kadam Dharma has on the lives of people living in a busy city!
Two recent events – in Monterrey, Mexico and Manchester, UK – are wonderful examples of how Kadam Dharma is touching the hearts of people of the modern world.
Out of his kindness and strong wish for as many people as possible to have access to the special life-transforming methods and practices contained within How to Transform Your Life, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche has requested that the book be distributed as a free eBook – a special present to everyone in the world.
Once a year in Buenos Aires, a special event is organized by the city called The Night of the Temples, in which all the temples of all religions in the city open their doors to the public. Last weekend, KMC Argentina participated in this year’s event and was visited by more than 320 people in four hours!
The 15th French Kadampa Festival was held at KMC France over the last 6 days with Gen-la Kelsang Thubten granting the blessing empowerment of White Tara and giving teachings on training the mind. The entire Festival was in-person only, with no online participation available.