Visiting Teachers in Teachers in Paris, Metz and Manchester
Feb 13, 2025
"Although it may seem that there are no longer any Buddhas, if we think about this we’ll see that such a thing is impossible because the Buddhas developed bodhichitta, practiced the six perfections and completed the spiritual grounds and paths solely for the purpose of helping others until the end of samsara.
Since benefiting others continuously is the very meaning of full enlightenment, it is impossible for Buddhas to cease helping us."
With these words, yesterday Gen-la Khyenrab introduced the blessing empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni. Throughout the world, thousands of people enjoyed this blissful day.
The Kindness of Buddha Shakyamuni
"For example, Buddha Shakyamuni manifests millions of forms in countless different worlds. In some worlds he manifests taking birth while in others he manifests passing away. But his real body, the Truth Body, the Dharmakaya, cannot pass away because it is deathless. So we can be certain that Buddha Shakyamuni is still helping us today in the form of our Spiritual Guide who gives us correct teachings, shows us a pure example and encourages us to make progress on the path to enlightenment.
"We should try to remember always that it is through the kindness of Buddha Shakyamuni that we now have the opportunity to solve all of our samsaric problems - in particular our individual human problems - by putting his teachings into practice. Buddha’s teachings are the actual method to achieve permanent liberation from samsaric suffering. Without Buddha’s teachings there is no other method to attain this."
If you would like to contribute a video story, photo story, snapshot or insight, please email to [email protected]
Last submissions please by 24.00 UK time, May 31. Thank you.
I feel so lucky to have found Venerable Geshe-la as my Spiritual Guide. He is truly a qualified Spiritual Guide. He takes care of every step I need to realise my own potential. These international festivals are so important to me to remind of Buddha’s teachings. I need to be reminded of these precious teachings again and again, and Geshe-la is doing just that. Through listening, contemplating and meditating on these teachings I can maintain a peaceful mind all the time. And with that I can help Dharma flourish.
Muito obrigada Gueshela por esta maravilhosa oportunidade de participar do festival de primavera 2021 ,on-line. E receber bençãos e instruções da sadana :
Pedido ao senhor de todas as linhagens . Que tesouro precioso este mundo está recebendo!
Gracias Gueshe-la, gracias a todos los Budas y Bodhisatvas, gracias a la Joya de la Sangha y a todas las emanaciones que han hecho posible, que pese a las aparentes dificultades del mundo moderno, podamos recibir éstas preciosas enseñanzas en casa.
¡Que enorme fortuna! ¡Que podamos pronto corresponder a tu bondad Venerable Guru!
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During the empowerment, Gen-la Khyenrab told the story of one of Buddha Shakyamuni’s previous lives, when he generated bodhichitta and specifically dedicated his enlightenment to helping beings of the Unforgetting World, the world in which it is hardest for human beings achieve enlightenment because they never forget their objects of desire and therefore have little interest in spiritual practice, i. e. us.
This point is helpful and encouraging in a number of ways:
Ive been watching these Festival Diaries appear over the last couple of days, and what an incredible story they tell!
To see so many people from so many different backgrounds and cultures and speaking so many different languages gather online is in itself remarkable. But to see the joy in their eyes and the peace in their faces is more remarkable still!
Venerable Geshe-la really is creating an international family of people untied by a good heart and compassionate intention - people who care about each other and all other living beings with equal love. We are watching world peace in the making!
Thank you everyone who makes these Festivals possible. And thank you everyone who takes part. I am honoured to be part of the International Kadampa Union.
This year, as last year, we have created an online Festival Shop where you can purchase high-quality Dharma items and gift items as well as all your Tharpa items. Your purchases will be securely packed and promptly shipped to any country in the world.