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02 April 2021

Celebrating the New Kadampa Tradition

NKT was formally registered as a charity in July 1991. On Saturday April 3 the following year, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche inaugurated NKT Day, which was to be celebrated on the first Saturday in April every year.

All in a year

On this day last year, April 4 2020, Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong the General Spiritual Director of NKT gave a powerful online teaching to Kadampas around the world, which was watched by 5,000 people. Everyone joined in special prayers for the long life of Venerable Geshe-la and for the flourishing of the tradition.

This was at the beginning of the first lockdown. Here we review the extraordinary work that has been accomplished in the last year, demonstrating the truth of Buddha's teachings that with faith and a pure motivation even the most adverse conditions can be transformed to benefit all living beings.

Dear everybody,

Although we see an unusual situation, which is causing people to be worried and to suffer, I would like to suggest that through using our wisdom we try to make ourself and everyone happy, which means we should stop worrying.

I will personally pray for you all and your families.

With much love and blessings,
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso


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