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06 March 2021

A special worldwide ceremony

With over 350 people around the world registered to take part in the online burning offerings this weekend at Manjushri KMC, all eyes on Friday were on the Vajrayogini Burning Offering presided over by Gen-la Dekyong, General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU.

A burning offering is a special ritual performed at the completion of a close counting retreat to purify any mistakes and complete the process of qualifying to perform self initiation.

Because of restrictions on travel and gathering presently in place, many people who had completed close retreats this year were not able to take part in an in-person burning offering. In these circumstances, special permission was granted for the ceremony with Gen-la Dekyong to be broadcast online.

Sunday the 6th, Gen-la will preside over a similar Heruka Body Mandala Burning Offering.


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