Picturesque away retreats in January
Jan 27, 2025
The blessings are palpable as thousands of sincere Kadampas across the globe engage in retreat with Gen Rabten at the close of the 2020 Fall Festival and send out prayers for the world!
A fitting end to an extraordinary Festival. Thank you Gen-la for such precious teachings and thank you to the other Teachers, translators, and everyone else who made this auspicious event possible.
But most of all thank you Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. Without you none of this would be possible. In every respect, this Festival has appeared from your heart.
Why mental actions are more important than those of body or speech
Submissions for this section are now closed. Thank you for all your wonderful contributions. See you for Spring Festival 2021
We learned so much! When are we going to make the decision to fully identify with our Buddha nature? Great question, which could only lead to great answers. The wonderful teaching reminded us of the importance of identifying ourselves correctly, from a place of wisdom and with genuine bodhichitta at our hearts.
Thank you Gueshe-la for bringing us together! Thank you for manifesting our Dharma community in Colorado, from where we are sending our love and immense appreciation. Please bless all of us practitioners plenty and take special care of our teachers so that we all keep working hard to replicate Guru Medicine Buddha's intention in all directions!
Dear Friends,
We thank you for the loving effort and the wonderful autumn festival, which we were able to spend together in a small group in the center.
With kind regards from the Menlha Center in Karlsruhe
Es una experiencia inestimable poder participar en un festival internacional. A pesar de las condiciones externas, tenemos la gran oportunidad de poder conectarnos y recibir profundas enseñanzas y bendiciones. Personalmente me inspira mucho participar en un festival, me ayuda a sentirme más tranquila y feliz".
Greetings from KMC New York City! Gen-la Dekyong’s Medicine Buddha teachings feel to me to be like one long, profound meditation during which she is actively blessing us, she is giving an uninterrupted teaching on Guru Yoga - on receiving blessings, the ultimate healing. I love imagining all of us, I’m sure thousands throughout the world, bathing in these healing blessings.
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To our most beloved Kadampa global familia:
We hope this message finds you all in great spirit, rejoicing in this incredible opportunity to develop our faith in the Union of Guru Medicine Buddha.
We wanted to send a few lines to share our experiences from the empowerment. We were immensely fortunate to receive the special blessings of Guru Medicine Buddha together, in our precious Gompa, after a delicious desayuno (breakfast) with coffee, chocolate, and donuts! Not the source of happiness, but yes, the perfect excuse to start a special day together, as the loving & beautiful family that we are!
We learned so much! When are we going to make the decision to fully identify with our Buddha nature? Great question, which could only lead to great answers. The wonderful teaching reminded us of the importance of identifying ourselves correctly, from a place of wisdom and with genuine Bodhichitta at our hearts.
We rejoice!
In the most beautiful Fall festival...
In the promise to ourselves become the true medicine for all sentient beings...
In receiving pure Buddha Dharma...
In letting go of our grasping at our ordinary thinking...
In the love that unites us all, through the unspeakable kindness of our unsurpassed precious root Guru and founder...
As one of us put it: "I feel as though I am stealing away or taking away some precious jewels with the expressed intentions only to give them to others. My basket full of bounty never seems to diminish as I find many in need of these jewels. My challenging task is to get these gifts down each and every open chimney I find. Medicine Buddha is needed in every household where eyes are open"
Thank you Gueshe-la for bringing us together! Thank you for manifesting our Dharma community in Colorado, from where we are sending our love and immense appreciation. Please bless all of us practitioners plenty and take special care of our teachers so that we all keep working hard to replicate Guru Medicine Buddha's intention in all directions!
May all our Dharma communities grow stronger and stronger, forevermore, until all sentient beings have been liberated from Samsara...
May our Good Fortune increase forevermore...
May the Buddhadharma, the sole medicine for all suffering and the source of all happiness, be materially supported and honored, and remain for a long time...
May all beings attain the Union of Guru Medicine Buddha, and...
May our faith become like a mountain, unmoved by the winds of Karma.
With eternal love,
Avec gratitude pour tous ceux qui se sont directement impliqués dans ce festival d'automne, tellement bénéfique comme tous les autres, et en particulier pour les équipes de traduction.
Quelle bonne fortune que ce soit en ligne ! J'ai pu écouter les enseignements de Guèn La Dekyong directement en anglais, les vibrations de sa voix me faisait ressentir son authenticité et son expérience, et que dire de ses pauses remplies d,enseignement !
En même temps, je pouvais suivre avec les sous-titres en français, revenir en arrière, pour m'assurer d'avoir tout bien compris, et avoir le temps de transcrire. Assurément, je vais m'entraîner à la pratique subséquente, quels encouragements touchants nous avons reçus. Merci de tout coeur Guéshé La !.
Be sure to visit the official online shop for the NKT-IKBU International Fall Festival 2020.
There you will find items from Tharpa Publications to support you through the Festival Teaching Program.
From there you can also discover the complete works of the internationally renowned teacher, meditation master and author, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, as published by Tharpa.
All profit from your purchases on is dedicated to public benefit through the International Temple’s Project.