Urban retreats at local centers around the world – Oases of peace
Jan 28, 2025
During the 2020 Spanish Festival online we enjoyed the great fortune of receiving the powerful blessings of Buddha Maitreya and a commentary on the practice from Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab, retired Spiritual Director of NKT and National Spiritual Director for Canada.
At the beginning of the empowerment, Gen-la told us that this empowerment will be very beneficial for our inner peace: “We all need to generate and maintain inner peace.
"A peaceful mind is the source of our happiness. For our peace and happiness it is necessary to receive these blessings of an empowerment as often as possible. "
Around 500 people from all over the world enjoyed our first online festival.
The meditations were guided by Gen Kelsang Tsongmo and we were able to enjoy a wonderful the retreat led by our National Spiritual Director, Gen Kelsang Chokga.
How fortunate we are to be able to listen to and practice these teachings!
Bookings are open until 29th September 2pm :
FP student
Regarding the introduction, what touched me the most was that we always look for a beginning (the beginning of the universe ...) everything begins because of something else, therefore there is no beginning ...
Sonia Somoza
How lucky we are to receive these empowerments. May we be aware of it and appreciate it with a pure practice.
Raquel (Madrid)
Empowerments help us to feel that it is possible to perceive the world in a different way, it is possible if we purify our mind.
Kunshe (Malaga)
I have signed up for the Festival because I have waited a long time to receive this empowerment and because I wish to fulfill Geshe-la's wish.
José Luis Martin M (Granada)
I have signed up for the Festival because at the moment I feel insecurity, confusion and fear, due to the current situation we are living in, and only the teachings of Geshe Kelsang alleviate all those unpleasant feelings. Thank you very much.