Gen-la Khyenrab in Brisbane

As the last leg of his tour of Australasia, yesterday Gen-la Khyenrab, Retired Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU,  visited the beautiful center at KMC Brisbane to give a public talk:

"We had (more than) a full house last night for our public talk with Gen-la Khyenrab. He taught on how we can be happy and confident through understanding the power of our mind.

"Gen-la asked us to contemplate three questions - what is your mind, where is your mind, what is the nature and function of your mind?

"If we contemplate this every day we will gradually come to understand our mind directly and then we will really understand its power and how to use it to stay positive and happy all the time.

"Thank you so much for visiting Brisbane Gen-la, and for such a powerful teaching."

Festival coming to Brisbane
KMC Brisbane will be hosting the 2020 Fall Festival at which Gen-la Dekyong will grant the Highest Yoga Tantra empowerments of Heruka and Vajrayogini.

Visit the Festival site for more information.


Beautiful retreats in beautiful places

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Great reels from January

NKT - KMC BILBAO - 2025 12.BS2025(2)

The rain of blessings continues around the world


Mountain Retreat at IKRC Grand Canyon 2025