temple Watch 15

Temple progress, site-wide developments, preparations for the Festival

Since the last update, great progress has been made on the Temple, and now we see the team hard at work preparing general site-wide facilities for the Temple and beginning to prepare the site for the Fall Festival.

Here is a brief list of work in progress:

  • Drywall and insulation being installed on the five tiers
  • Lantern base being prepped for the Dharma Wheel
  • Columns in the veranda have gone up
  • Prepping for the concrete for veranda
  • Electric works continue
  • Water proofing on the roof
  • Landscaping of the site for the Festival
  • Construction of the fire pump house about to start
  • Drilling the water tank to deliver the water to the Temple for fire system
  • Shower block for Festivals almost complete
  • Toilet block in progress
  • Mulch for Festival marquee being placed
  • New septic system being dug

Meanwhile, in the Studio the artists continue gilding the deer and wheels for the Tempe roof , while in New Mexico the vast Dharma Wheel is nearing completion.

Don't miss the Grand Opening
Be sure to book your place for the Temple opening September 26 and the following Fall Festival.

Next update soon.

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