Auspicious beginnings to the year
Jan 18, 2025
A chance to catch up on some of the other news stories from recent days
Today at Manjushri KMC Gen-la Dekyong gave a truly inspiring public talk to a packed Temple entitled A Life of Less Worry.
Everyone was delighted with the teaching and many people stayed on at the center afterwards to enjoy the cafe and gift shop and take a summer's day walk to the beach.
As always it was a very successful event.
More photos and video coming soon.
On Friday, Gen-la Jampa officially opened the new building at KMC Washington DC with a ribbon cutting ceremony and an inspiring talk in which he emphasised the local, national and international functions of KMC DC.
This was followed by a weekend course - stand by for more.
KMC Berlin today hosted a special course at which Gen Ananda, the National Spiritual Director for Germany, granted the empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni.
Recently at Mahabodhi KMC the National Spiritual Director, Gen Mudita, granted the empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni and gave teachings on how to increase the power of our virtuous actions, purify negative actions and receive continued blessings from Buddha Shakyamuni.
Gen Rabten, NSD for Australasia and South East Asia, made literally a flying visit to KMC Singapore this weekend.
Much to the delight of the students at Singapore, on his way to the UK for the Intensive Teacher Training Programme and Summer Festival he stopped off at KMC Singapore to give a powerful day course entitled 'Create the Life You Want.'
At KMC Australia this weekend Resident Teacher Gen Dornying, granted the empowerment of Prajnaparamita to 120 people, including many families and children.
'Gen Dornying taught the powerful practice of the Great Mother Prajnaparamita as a method for overcoming our outer and inner obstacles and realising our full potential. He explained what a fortunate assembly we were to be receiving these powerful blessings and instructions, and if we rely sincerely on our Spiritual Guide, we will easily be guided out of our ordinary existence to realise the true nature of reality and free ourselves, and all living beings, from all suffering and problems.'
With the Festival fast approaching it is ordination time again, and all around the world kind people are helping to make robes for the new monks and nuns.
Here we see students from Australia, Calgary, Montreal, Kingston, Hamilton and Toronto gathered at KMC Canada, where they completed 8 undershirts, 7 Donkas, 6 Shamtabs, 1 Chogu and 2 Tsens in four & half days.
Students at KMC Mexico have also completed a large collection of new robes and from July 17 to 24 there will be a robe making course at Madhyamaka Centre.
Students from Tushita KMC in Cape Town recently enjoyed a 'sublime and blissful' away meditation retreat at Bodhi Khaya with Gen Pagpa & Kelsang Sangkyong called 'Awakening your Potential'.
KMC Hollywood is organizing volunteer weekends (“Bodhisattva Weekends”): June 28–30, July 19–21, and Aug. 30–Sept. 1 (Labor Day weekend) at IKRC Grand Canyon to help with the Temple Project.
For more information on volunteering at IKRC Grand Canyon, visit their volunteering page.
This weekend 150 people enjoyed a Vajrapani empowerment with Resident Teacher Gen Togden at the Kadampa Temple in Cabreúva, the home of KMC Brasil.