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05 April 2019

Healing the world


In 2006 Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche opened and blessed the Kadampa Temple for World Peace at KMC New York. At that time, Venerable Geshe-la gave Medicine Buddha empowerment and the oral transmission of How to Solve our Human Problems.

Now, at the 2019 US Festival, in the blessed location of the New York Temple, Gen-la Kelsang Jampa, the Deputy Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU, will grant the empowerment and commentary of Medicine Buddha and give teachings on How to Solve Our Human Problems.


Medicine Buddha is a Buddha Doctor whose function is to release us from physical and mental disease. By relying on him we will receive a special power on our body and mind through which we can heal our own outer and inner sickness and also help others through engaging in healing actions.

This practice is especially powerful at this time for pacifying problems and dangers, and for bringing peace to our world.

If you have been following Kadampa News over recent months you will have seen Gen-la Jampa appearing at many Festivals around the world.

He is an immensely popular Teacher who is deeply admired for the clarity and sincerity of his teachings, and the purity of his example.

What a special opportunity this will be  to receive empowerment and teachings from such a precious Teacher.

Healing the World

Medicine Buddha Empowerment & Teachings on
How to Solve Our Human Problems

April 26 - May 1 with Gen-la Kelsang Jampa

More information and booking on the Festival website


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