Auspicious beginnings to the year
Jan 18, 2025
Another short excerpt from a recent teaching by Gen-la Dekyong, General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU
A brief excerpt from a recent teaching by Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong, General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU
A look back over the last nine months at the amazing progress that has been made on the construction site for the new Temple at IKRC Grand Canyon – and in the art room
Follow these simple steps to book your Fall Festival..
The Kadampa Art Studio is hard at work producing statues and artwork for the new Temple at IKRC Grand Canyon and other centers.
Fall Festival 2019 registration goes live this Saturday, December 15 at 1pm UK time. Here is some useful information about transportation and Festival dining to help you with your booking.
This weekend over 300 people gathered at the Temple in Malaga for the13th Spanish Dharma Celebration
Friday night in Bogotá 150 people gathered at KMC Colombia to celebrate the center’s 2nd anniversary with prayers, live music, candles, and much more.
In the second two weeks of January 2019, Manjushri KMC will offer a guided retreat on Vajrayogini entitled Emptiness and Bliss led by Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong, General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU.