Gen-la Dekyong

Developing Humility

July 29, 2020
Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
Developing Humility

The Three Main Benefits

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Cherishing Others Brings Happiness

July 28, 2020
Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
Cherishing Others Brings Happiness

Four Reasons Why

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Understanding What Happiness Is

July 27, 2020
Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
Understanding What Happiness Is

How to Fulfil Our Deepest Wish

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Accomplishing World Peace

July 26, 2020
Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
Accomplishing World Peace

The Union of Sutra and Tantra

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Who is Buddha Amitayus?

July 25, 2020
Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
Who is Buddha Amitayus?

Bestower of Long Life

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Becoming fearless

July 23, 2020
Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
Becoming fearless

Seeing pain as our teacher

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The Key to Generating Bodhichitta

July 21, 2020
Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
The Key to Generating Bodhichitta

Realising emptiness driven by compassion

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Contemplating at the heart

July 19, 2020
Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
Contemplating at the heart

Generating the object of meditation

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Tightly bound by the chains of karma

July 17, 2020
Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
Tightly bound by the chains of karma

Understanding the real situation of all living beings

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Generating the supreme good heart Bodhichitta

July 15, 2020
Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
Generating the supreme good heart Bodhichitta

To help others we have to not be drowning

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